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Text File | 2010-01-20 | 150.8 KB | 6,036 lines |
- english language file for Brother's Keeper for Windows
- Use the BKWORDSW program to translate.
- CODE=1234567890
- English
- ---
- Yes
- No
- M
- F
- Margins
- &Top
- &Bottom
- &Left
- &Right
- Page Numbers
- To&p
- B&ottom
- Non&e
- &Yes
- &No
- &Call the first page:
- Create alphabetical inde&x
- Print today's &date
- Name
- Sex
- born
- Baptized
- died
- Buried
- Other
- Ref
- occupation
- married
- Name:
- Sex:
- Born:
- Died:
- Age:
- Husband:
- Wife:
- born
- died
- Married:
- Ceremony:
- Divorced/Annulled/Separated:
- Year:
- Father:
- Mother:
- in:
- in:
- in:
- in:
- in:
- in:
- in:
- Name:
- Address:
- Phone:
- Error trying to open textfile called:
- This person has no spouse and no children.
- b.
- d.
- m.
- bp.
- ch.
- not entered
- (not entered)
- Cancel
- Save
- Cancel changes
- Sa&ve changes
- Cancel
- OK
- Sa&ve options
- Save Options
- You did not pick a starting person.
- Page:
- temporary file
- Click OK when sorting is finished
- $$
- ST
- ST.
- DE
- MC
- LE
- JR
- SR
- II
- IV
- JR.
- SR.
- Portrait
- Landscape
- Portrait / Landscape
- file does not exist
- Natural
- Adoptive
- Step
- Foster
- Other
- JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- α└ß┴Γ┬π├Σ─σ┼µ╞τ╟Φ╚Θ╔Ω╩δ╦∞╠φ═ε╬∩╧≡╨±╤≥╥≤╙⌠╘⌡╒÷╓°╪∙┘·┌√█ⁿ▄²▌■▐
- divorced
- annulled
- separated
- He
- She
- Opening Files
- opening file:
- Data files are open.
- Path
- Brother's Keeper for Windows
- Stopping with some files still open
- Born
- Died
- Marr
- Spouse:
- Done
- Click the character you want
- Index
- Ready to print index of
- names
- Print how many columns per page?
- Please wait
- Pages
- to
- Printer font size is
- The chart is
- Each page will be
- Total of
- printed pages wide
- Select the location you want
- Select an existing source from this list
- Select
- Show language buttons at bottom of main screen.
- Skipping page
- Print
- Preview
- Cl&ose
- Text file
- Printing page
- Writing RTF file
- Writing TXT file
- Loading page
- Drive not available. Error=
- ---
- Brother's Keeper for Windows version 6.3
- &File
- &Open database
- O&pen list of databases
- &Database statistics
- &Quality check
- &Backup data files
- &Restore data files
- &Location
- Change &Location globally
- &Delete unused locations
- &Sources
- Change &Source globally
- &Delete unused sources
- Convert Date Format
- Convert BK 4.5 database
- Con&vert BK5 database to BK6
- from DOS to Windows
- from Windows to DOS
- &Gedcom
- Import
- Export
- &Split database
- &Merge databases
- Printer set&up
- Op&tions
- E&xit Brother's Keeper
- &Edit
- &Descendant
- &Tree chart
- &Box chart
- &Descendant
- &Register book
- &Indented book
- &4 family box chart
- &Count of descendants
- &Ancestor
- &Ancestor chart
- &Collapsed ancestor
- &Timeline
- Ahnentafel &book
- Ahnentafel custo&m list
- Ancestor bo&x chart
- &Lists
- &Alphabetical report
- &Numerical report
- &Ref Num order report
- &Word search report
- &Birthday/anniversary
- Alp&habetical display (Last name)
- N&umerical display
- Reference &order display
- &Locations
- &Sources
- Unconn&ected people display
- Locations with e&vents
- &Other
- &Group sheets
- &Compute relationship
- &Reasonableness check
- Grap&hic charts
- &Tiny Tafel
- List o&f surnames
- &Missing information report
- &Help
- &Table of Contents
- &Search for Help On . . .
- &Help on using help
- &Change language
- set to 640 x 480
- &Verify vbx / dll versions
- How to ®ister
- &Enter registration number
- Tech&nical Support
- &About Brother's Keeper
- Picture summary
- Alphabetical display (First name)
- Marriages:
- Names:
- Unable to verify EXE date.
- File:
- Date:
- Do not DOUBLE click a button.
- Please start the folder name with the drive letter then a : then a \
- For example: C:\BK6\DATA
- Do you want to create a new folder called
- Could not create folder.
- Can not create that path.
- saved password is not correct
- temporary password has expired
- Temporary password is correct.
- Thank you for registering
- BK6 Windows is already running.
- Hold ALT and press TAB a few times until you see Brother's Keeper
- You do not have a printer assigned in Windows Control Panel.
- Printer error
- Welcome to Brother's Keeper for Windows version 6.3
- If you have purchased the registered version, pick Help above
- and then pick Enter Registration Number. Then type in the
- numbers that are inside the front cover of your BK Windows manual.
- To purchase this program, pick Help above then How to Register.
- If you have data from BK5, pick File, Convert Bk5
- You may share the BKSETUP program with others, but please
- do not give anyone your password.
- The BKSETUP program may be posted on web sites as shareware.
- Updates will be placed on the BK Web site
- http://www.bkwin.com and http://www.bkwin.net
- To add or modify, pick Edit.
- Remember, for help on any screen, press the F1 key.
- language.bkw file missing. Error=
- This program requires the LANGUAGE.BKW file in folder:
- Pick File then Exit and stop this program and get that file.
- Create new option file:
- Creating new option file:
- When you register the program, you will receive a registration number
- and password inside the cover of the manual or on the CD cover.
- Please do not give the password to anyone else.
- Click here for shareware distribution information
- Please enter your name
- Password is correct
- In the text box below, type the number:
- All features are active for this session
- You did not type the correct number.
- Password is NOT correct. Look inside the cover of the BK Windows manual.
- If you have several folders
- containing BK data files, then
- click Edit to create file.
- option file not correct size
- How to Register
- Brother's Keeper is a shareware program, which means that
- you can try it before you buy it. If you have already paid
- John Steed for the program, thank you. If you have either
- downloaded the program, or obtained it from a friend or a
- shareware company, then you are using it on a trial basis
- and if you decide to keep using the program you should pay
- John Steed by sending $45 U.S. check or Visa or Mastercard,
- or you may use the online store available from www.bkwin.com
- You will receive the current version, the printed manual,
- a registration number and password to turn on extra features,
- technical support, and discounts on new versions.
- Close
- Unregistered version. See Help to enter registration number.
- Registered version
- Temporary registered version.
- All features temporarily enabled
- Could Not load Btrieve with WBTRCALL.DLL error=
- Technical Support
- Phone
- (616) 364-5503
- Internet web site
- www.bkwin.com
- (616) 866-3345
- CompuServe
- 75745,1371 or 74774,650 GENSUP forum
- Internet
- 75745.1371@compuserve.com
- Mail
- Rockford, MI 49341 U.S.A.
- Correct versions were found.
- Error during CREATE.
- This feature is only available to registered users.
- If you want to try out this feature before registering,
- Then go to the main screen and pick Help and then
- pick Enter Registration Number and
- enter the number 1234 and the password: 2468
- Your BKAUDIT.TXT file is large.
- Drive not ready
- Drive not available
- file:
- Create
- Cancel
- OK
- To create a new data folder, type the folder name below.
- Which folder contains the Brother's Keeper 6 data files?
- Opening files
- Close
- Yes
- Print registration form
- Edit
- This list is from the BKPATH.TXT file
- When you register, enter information here
- This is a registered copy of BK6 Password is correct
- Your name
- Password
- Registration number
- Resources:
- Memory:
- free
- Rezen R. Steed
- Copyright 2000 by
- John Steed
- 6907 Childsdale Ave
- Rockford, MI 49341
- U.S.A.
- See Help for registration information
- This program is available as shareware
- Highest
- Number of sources
- Number of locations
- Number of families
- Number of people
- Data files are in folder
- Box chart
- Tree chart
- Descendant
- Ancestor chart
- Collapsed
- Alpha list
- Group
- Number of events
- Number of other
- (details excluded)
- Show buried date if death date unknown
- Pause printing
- Option is set to pause after
- page(s).
- Press OK to continue
- ---
- Brother's Keeper Family Edit
- If you want to enter the name of the Not Entered wife, then click Yes.
- If you want to enter a new wife, click No
- Add wife
- Add husband
- of
- Do you want to switch them?
- Primary parents are:
- Secondary parents are blank.
- Person already has two sets of parents
- Person already has parents:
- error - husband marriage did not match
- error - husband does not show marriage
- error - wife marriage did not match
- error - wife does not show marriage
- Change primary parents
- Secondary parents are:
- Redraw
- Ancestors
- Older sibling
- Younger sib
- Other Parents
- Add Family
- Picture
- Parents
- Add child
- Make Top
- Show all
- Show one
- Cl&ose
- Fi&nd
- Marriage
- Husband
- Children
- Wife
- Source
- Message
- Address
- &File
- Clo&se family edit
- &Close all
- &Edit
- &Husband
- &Wife
- &Marriage
- &Child
- &Add
- &Parents
- of &Husband
- of &Wife
- &Husband
- &Wife
- &Children
- New &Family
- New &Individual
- &Search
- &Find a person
- &Word search
- Word search &cont.
- &Next code +
- &Prior code
- Fi&rst Person
- &Last person
- &Husband
- &Parents (go to)
- &Older sibling
- &Younger sibling
- Other &wives
- &Rearrange wives
- Other paren&ts (show)
- Re&arrange parents
- &Wife
- Other &husbands
- &Rearrange husbands
- &Child
- Show &All
- Show &One
- &Next child
- &Prior child
- Move to &Top
- &Rearrange children
- Natural, a&dopted, step
- Ot&her parents
- Rearrange parent&s
- &Delete
- Link to &Spouse
- Link to &Child
- Delete &Man (husband)
- Delete &Woman (wife)
- Add the Husband and/or Wife first.
- Select a child first
- Do you want to delete the link from this family to
- error - did not find child in marriage file
- error - child did not point back to parent marriage number
- instead child points to parent marriage number
- no child to delete
- This routine will totally delete
- did not find child in parents marriage
- Do you want to delete the link between this husband and wife?
- Delete link
- Do you want to delete them?
- Delete secondary parents
- Do you want to add a second set of parents?
- No numbers higher than
- Pick Husband, Wife, or Child at the top Menu then Rearrange parents.
- Then pick No if secondary parents are blank.
- If you want to enter the name of the Not Entered husband, then click Yes.
- If you want to enter a new husband, click No
- No numbers lower than
- Delete person
- This will also unlink the children from the family.
- Do you want to delete this person?
- If the person just has the wrong spouse, parents, or kids
- then use the delete LINK routine instead.
- ---
- Edit Person
- Scan picture
- Alternate name
- Close
- Press Esc or Cancel if you are done adding children to this family.
- Copy Address
- Show &Address
- Show &Message Lines
- get text file or picture
- source
- Message lines
- Your LANGUAGE.BKW file indicates sex must be
- Either change the language file or run the routine to change sex letters
- To display a text file or picture file,
- start the line with $$ followed by the file name
- or leave the line blank and click the button
- &File
- &Save and close
- &Cancel and close
- &Edit
- Cu&t
- &Copy
- &Paste
- &Source
- Show source
- &Location
- Search location
- Address
- Type over
- Insert
- That number not found
- Name is required to save.
- Enter sex as
- All files
- Picture files
- Select picture or text file
- You are adding a new family. Add either parent first.
- You are adding a wife to:
- You are adding a husband to:
- You are adding a parent to:
- child already has two sets of parents
- You are adding child
- to these parents:
- Previous child was:
- Spouse of:
- Sex is not male and you are adding a husband.
- Sex is not female and you are adding a wife.
- child is already in this family
- over 24 children
- Adding new person
- Adding first parent
- Adding wife
- Adding husband
- Adding child
- Adding parents to
- person already has 8 spouses
- You are trying to add a person as a parent of himself/herself
- You are trying to add a person as a child of himself/herself
- Edit Marriage
- Sa&ve changes
- Save && continue
- Cancel changes
- Ceremony Y/N
- End year
- Copy message lines
- Marriage found
- There is already a marriage entered for these two people.
- Do you want to add a second marriage between the same people?
- Copy all to clipboard
- To change an existing location to upper or lower case, go to
- main screen and pick File, Locations, Change
- Cancel
- Sa&ve
- husband has 8 marriages already
- wife has 8 marriages already
- ---
- Ancestor Chart
- Add your personal message lines to each page (example: your address)
- Print today's date on page
- Print spouse of starting person
- Bold names
- Numbers
- BK code numbers
- Standard ancestor numbers
- None
- Start each page as person number 1
- Start:
- Printed chart type
- 4 generations
- 5 generations
- Multiple page linked charts
- 6 generations
- generations
- 3 generations with pictures
- Heading
- Find ancestors of:
- &Children
- Spo&use
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- &Close ALT+F4
- &Options
- &Search
- &New person
- &Father
- &Mother
- &Spouse
- &Child
- &Edit
- Fon&ts
- &Screen font
- &Printer font
- Page Setup
- Personal Message
- ---
- Group Sheets
- Family of
- Ancestors
- Descendants
- Range of numbers
- Each spouse only once
- to
- Generations
- Preview
- Cl&ose
- Print
- Page setup
- Fields to include
- Notes && children
- Personal message
- Show ages
- Print separation lines
- Form feed after each family
- Form feed after each marriage
- Call the first page:
- Increment first page number for each batch
- Add your personal message lines to each page
- Print names bold
- Show BK code numbers
- Show source footnotes
- Show source footnotes for children also
- Show each source as three separate lines
- Show mailing addresses
- Print group sheets for persons with no spouse
- Print pictures for husband and wife (and children if set on next tab)
- Omit blank dates/locations
- Omit ceremony/divorce if blank
- Omit ceremony/divorce always
- Children data
- All
- All with pictures
- All with pictures only if no spouse
- Short
- Name only
- Name and birth date only
- Name / birth / death only
- Compressed with border
- Children notes
- Include
- Include only if no spouse
- Do not include
- Notes
- Print notes
- Include only * messages
- Unformatted messages
- No notes
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- Pre&view
- Create TXT file
- &Save options
- &Close ALT+F4
- &Printer font
- Do you want to print pictures?
- Create text file
- Text file
- Pages
- Do you want to print the index now?
- Family Group Sheet
- Page
- Family of
- - continued
- also known as:
- died at age:
- sp.
- his age:
- her age:
- Child
- You do not have the option set to print people with no spouse.
- ---
- Names may overlap in 4th column with font size of
- Do you want to choose a smaller font size?
- Names may overlap in last column with font size of
- Do you want to have the last column print in a smaller font size?
- Person number 1 on this page is
- the same as person
- on page
- Person number
- on this page is
- (See page
- See this person on page
- ---
- Gedcom
- Import Gedcom Options
- Include Submitter information
- Set ceremony to NO if MARR tag not found
- Alternate names
- Alternate name as second NAME tag
- Alternate name as first NAME tag
- Alternate name as ALIA tag (Gedcom 4.0)
- Do not include alternate name
- Include divorce information.
- Sources
- Sources after each event
- Sources once with cross-reference
- Change sources to message/notes
- Do not include sources
- Character set in gedcom file
- Windows
- Ansel (normal for gedcom)
- Include mailing addresses
- Include sources
- Message/note lines
- Small notes in message lines, large in file
- All notes in separate files
- Do not import notes
- Put message text files in folder:
- C:\BK6
- Title field
- Before the name
- After the name
- In Occupation field
- Not used
- Convert English dates
- Cancel
- OK
- Please wait - importing gedcom file.
- Gedcom files
- Select gedcom file to import
- Please wait - scanning file
- done scanning
- File is empty
- The gedcom file does not end with the line 0 TRLR
- Please be sure the gedcom file is in one file, not two parts - see BK docs.
- The gedcom file you are reading was not created with abbreviated tags.
- When you create a gedcom file with FTW specify abbreviated tags and no indents
- The gedcom file you are reading was created as indented.
- Error - this gedcom file was the old PAF 2.0 format.
- You can use the DOS version of BK5 to read it.
- This gedcom file was created as gedcom version 5 format.
- BK will not read the NOTES unless the gedcom format is 4 instead.
- Exclude details about living people under the age of:
- The last line in the gedcom file is:
- Number of people:
- Number of families:
- These tags were found in the gedcom file:
- Name of gedcom file to create
- Export the 7 message lines
- Export 7 message lines and text files
- Do not include notes
- Export MARR tag if ceremony is not NO
- Export Gedcom Options
- Please wait - creating gedcom file.
- Import Gedcom File
- This routine will add ALL the information from a gedcom file to the
- BK data file in folder:
- Since your database already has
- have a current backup copy of your BK database in case anything
- goes wrong during this import.
- You may want to open a new folder to hold this imported data.
- To make a new folder, pick Cancel and then File, Open.
- To add a gedcom file to your existing names, pick OK.
- If you have data in a BK5 database, it is better to not use gedcom to
- move the data, but instead you should
- pick File, Convert BK5 data to BK6
- Include notes
- Include names of pictures
- Click OK to start the gedcom import
- Allow about 1 minute for each 2000 names
- Error during open, please try again
- Set this option if you want to add a space between CONC lines
- See this file for any errors or lines not imported
- not copied to/from gedcom
- ENGA Engagement
- DIV Divorce
- NOTE Note/message
- ADDR Address
- SOUR Source after each event
- SOUR Source once with cross-ref
- Type a four character tag.
- Export Gedcom File
- This routine will create a gedcom file which contains the information in
- data files in folder:
- The number of names in the database is:
- You can either select which names to export to the gedcom file
- or you can export all the names to the gedcom file.
- There are no names in the database to copy.
- Convert dates to English
- Do you want to create a new note folder called
- Could not create folder.
- Can not create that note folder.
- GEDCOM file name:
- The following GEDCOM lines were modified when imported into BK6
- This person has over the BK limit of 99 spouses
- BK num:
- Name:
- Changed to:
- Location:
- Changed to:
- The marriage number is in the GEDCOM file, but the husband and wife are not!
- The marriage will be ignored.
- Gedcom file has a marriage with husband number
- Gedcom file has a marriage with wife number
- This person has over the limit of 75 children
- Gedcom file has a marriage with child number
- However that person is not in the gedcom file!
- ---
- Select Person
- &Find
- &Cancel
- &Select
- &Name or number:
- * * click here for MORE * *
- Cancel
- Type the name or number of the person you are looking for.
- Or type a ? in place of the first or last name.
- Name you typed:
- New
- If the person you are entering is on the list below, then select that person.
- Or press ESC or click New if you are adding a new person.
- Not found
- Invalid number
- No matching name found.
- No match found.
- If the name is not found, click New to add this person.
- ---
- Descendant Box Chart
- Sa&ve options
- Show baptized date if birth date unknown
- Print on continuous &tractor feed paper
- Print Lands&cape on printer
- Bold print spous&e names
- Name &length (box width)
- N&umber of generations
- &Bold print descendant names
- Shadows under bo&xes
- Show &which spouse if multiple marriages
- Show B&K code numbers
- Start
- Cancel
- Close
- Select descendants of
- To print on printer, pick Start above and then pick File and Print from menu.
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- &Close ALT+F4
- &Options
- &Zoom
- &Smaller
- &Bigger
- &Printer Font
- &Size
- &Background
- &Gray
- &White
- Can not fit even one box per page
- boxes wide
- Over 980 multiple spouses limit
- Number of boxes wide is more than
- Print pictures (will not display)
- Show locations
- ---
- Descendant Tree Chart
- Display next 220 lines
- Page setup
- Fields to include
- Dates
- For a large report, you may want to have the margins set to zero so that
- you can print more people per page
- Print on continuous &tractor feed paper
- Pr&int page number on each page
- and
- over
- pages high
- Include duplicate descendants if &cousin marriages
- Show full bi&rth dates
- Show full birth and dea&th dates
- Show full birth, death, &marriage dates
- S&how birth and death years
- Show birth, death, marri&age years
- &No dates
- columns wide
- see children above
- ---
- Click here for Direct Lineage chart and enter ending person above
- Direct lineage to:
- Descendant Report
- Print descendants of:
- As related to:
- (none) click here for relationships
- N&umber of generations
- P&age Setup
- Fields to &Include
- Show B&K code numbers
- Show the Ref number field
- Show descendants names in &bold
- Show spouse on line belo&w descendant
- S&how generation number before each person
- Put blank line aft&er each person
- click here to enter ending person
- You asked for Direct Lineage. Please select the ending person.
- Notes
- Incl&ude notes
- Include on&ly * messages
- Unformatted messages
- &No notes
- Spouse notes
- Include &spouse notes
- No spo&use notes
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- Pre&view
- Create T&XT file
- &Save options
- &Close ALT+F4
- &Printer font
- This person has no children to print.
- Create text file
- Text file (*.TXT) |*.TXT
- Currently, you can print a maximum of
- 60 generations when computing relationships.
- Please set generations to 60 or else turn off relationships.
- Invalid RELATION (.R6) file - can not calculate relationships.
- Did not find relationship
- Second person must be a descendant of the first person
- text file line too long
- Show parents of spouse
- see children above
- Too many generations
- Descendants of:
- As Related to:
- myself
- sister
- brother
- half-sister
- half-brother
- ---
- Custom Reports
- Cl&ose
- Pre&view
- Print
- Page &Setup
- Type &of Report
- Fi&elds to Include
- Sa&ve options
- &Existing custom reports
- Page &heading:
- Print today's &date on page
- Paper width:
- Total width:
- label
- fiel&d
- chars
- width
- for descendants
- Include spouse if not divorced
- Include spouse even if divorced
- Do not include spouse of descendant
- &Entire database
- &Clear
- Number selected:
- Se&lected people
- &Ancestors of
- &Descendants of
- Add &individual
- Birth names only
- Birth, married, alternate names
- Show age or years married
- Include birthdays
- Include anniversaries
- Also include birthdays for people that have died
- Also include spouses that have divorced
- Do not use alternate name
- Show relationships
- Number of generations
- Ahnentafel report - ancestors of
- Numerical order
- S&tart with:
- Sto&p with:
- Alphabetical
- Word Search Report
- Double click field to &add to the report
- &File
- Clear fiel&ds
- &Save report format
- &Rename report
- &Delete report
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- Pre&view
- Create T&XT file
- Make Calendar Creator file
- S&ave options
- &Close
- &Printer font
- You must pick either Birthday or Anniversary or both
- Do you want to delete the report called:
- Delete
- First select an existing report to delete.
- Use alternate name if there is one
- Calendar
- BK code number
- name (first last)
- name (last, first)
- sex
- birth date
- birth place
- death date
- death place
- date
- place
- father's name
- mother's name
- spouse's name
- marriage date
- marriage place
- number of families
- number of children
- soundex code
- alternate name
- name (alpha file)
- spaces
- start another line
- father's number
- mother's number
- spouse's number
- marr. ceremony Y/N
- divorce/annulled/separate
- end year
- age
- date changed
- born:
- page number
- died:
- marriage:
- ceremony:
- quality
- spouse's father's name
- spouse's mother's name
- spouse's father's number
- spouse's mother's number
- father type (adopt, step)
- mother type (adopt, step)
- married people only
- comma delimited file
- address: label
- address: one per line
- address: laser labels
- last spouse/marriage
- all spouses/marriages
- Alphabetical
- Birthday / Anniversary
- Ref Number Order
- Invalid - Number of characters is 0 for field:
- Invalid - Width is 0 for field:
- You need to pick some fields to include
- The Laser address labels can not be previewed nor sent to a file.
- Hint: Before printing on laser labels, you may want to print
- on plain paper to check the margins
- Press OK to print now.
- Text files
- All files
- Name of comma delimited file to create
- Create text file
- The 3 by 5 cards can only be printed on the printer.
- You have requested married names also,
- but you have not picked field 29 instead of 3.
- Do you want to continue?
- You have requested field 29,
- but that only works with alphabetical reports.
- You need to select ancestors or descendants of someone.
- Start and stop values not valid
- The REF: field is blank for everyone.
- Pages
- Type a name for this custom report
- Name not changed
- First select an existing report to rename.
- Found report with same fields and widths called:
- The layout of this report will be saved so that you will not have to
- design the report again. Type a name for this custom report.
- Name not given - not saved.
- Page
- A.num
- Num
- Name
- Sex
- Birth date
- Birth place
- place
- Died
- Died place
- place
- Father
- Mother
- Spouse
- Married
- Married place
- Marriages
- Children
- Soundex
- Alternate name
- Divorced
- Divorced year
- Age
- Date changed
- Page
- Quality
- Spouse's father
- Spouse's mother
- Father type
- Mother type
- Adoptive
- Step
- Foster
- Other
- ???
- age:
- Creating alphabetical file
- Creating birthday/anniversary file
- &
- This person has no spouse or kids
- reached limit of 100 generations
- For best results, use paragraph as the first and only field.
- Width of report is more than page width.
- Press OK to print anyway or
- press cancel to change font, margins, or widths.
- 3 by 5 cards
- Underline
- first line of 1st note
- first line of 2nd note
- first line of 3rd note
- first note line
- first external text file
- first picture file
- paragraph
- paragraph + child (name/born)
- paragraph + child (all data)
- (last, first)
- selected addresses
- When you pick field 92 you must also pick field 95 or 96 or 97
- Please set this option BEFORE you pick descendants of someone
- ---
- Time Line
- Select ancestors of
- &Heading
- N&umber of generations
- &Bold print names
- Include famous people from BKEVENTS.TXT file
- No dates to plot
- reached line limit of 400
- BKEVENTS.TXT file not found
- ---
- Picture
- &File
- Twain select
- Scan in a picture
- Reduce to 640 x 480
- Save as
- Printer set&up
- &Print picture
- &Close
- Print Picture
- &Heading
- Printed size in inches:
- Picture size:
- height
- width
- Printer dots per inch
- inches
- Larger
- Smaller
- Save picture to a file
- File format
- Lead CMP
- No picture - pick File to scan
- Scan was cancelled
- Problem with scanning. Error
- unnamed picture
- This program is not licensed to read GIF or TIF LZW files.
- Please save file in any other picture format.
- File does not exist in that folder.
- Twain device driver not found for scanner. Error
- Invalid picture format. Error
- Pictures for:
- ---
- List
- Loading
- &File
- &Print
- &Close
- &Printer font
- * * click here for MORE * *
- You do not have anything in the REF: field for anyone.
- Ready to print next page.
- Do you want to pause after each page?
- Locations
- You have changed the source, pick Save or Cancel on the source screen.
- Source
- &Cancel changes
- Sa&ve changes
- Sea&rch
- To search for a source that was previously entered for someone else,
- type a few letters on the first line and then click Search.
- Quality
- Page
- &File
- S&earch
- &Save and close
- &Cancel and close
- &Edit
- Cu&t
- &Copy
- &Paste
- Rearrange Children
- Rearrange Wives
- Rearrange Husbands
- Sort
- Restore
- Save
- &File
- &Save and close
- &Cancel and close
- &Order
- &Sort by date
- &Restore original
- To move a person, use the mouse and click on the person. Then while
- holding the mouse button down, drag that person to the correct new position
- and drop the person on top of another person. The other people will
- move into new positions if necessary.
- Children of
- and
- Wives of
- Husbands of
- Save Ctrl Key as a String
- Print all control keys
- E&xit
- Sa&ve
- you should avoid using the letters C M V and X
- Enter the text to be inserted when you press CTRL+Shift+ the letter
- Type a letter from A to Z or number from 0 to 9
- You did not enter a letter or number
- Display all control keys
- fonts
- Printer Font
- Screen Font
- Printing
- Cancel
- Print pages
- All
- Odd
- Even
- Start with
- Preview will show all pages, not just odd or even.
- First page must be less than the skipped to page.
- Creating Index File
- The Sort routine uses BKSORT.PIF and BKSORT.BAT to call
- the DOS program VSORT.COM
- Stop with
- List of Sources
- &File
- &Print
- &Close
- &Printer font
- No sources found
- * * click here for more * *
- No match found
- ---
- Register Report
- Indented Report
- Ahnentafel Report
- Print descendants of:
- Print ancestors of:
- Make each generation a separate RTF file
- First page &heading:
- Other page heading:
- Print
- Cl&ose
- Pre&view
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- Pre&view
- Create &RTF file
- &Index only
- &Save Options
- &Close ALT+F4
- &Printer font
- Show lineage from each descendant bac&k to starting person.
- Show
- only if birth unknown
- date && location
- Show alternate name also
- Show married
- Show Divorce/Annulled/Separated
- Show source footnotes
- Abbreviate born && died
- Show BK code numbers
- &Number of generations
- &Use the modified register (NGSQ) system
- If multiple spouses, show &which spouse produced which kids.
- &Label generations
- Generation one, two
- Next Generation
- One, two on new page
- Next on new page
- &Children's names
- First and middle name
- Whole names
- First name only
- &Bold print names
- Also spouse
- Also spouse parents
- Spo&use notes
- Print spouse notes
- Start on new line
- New line (no name)
- No spouse notes
- Notes
- Print notes
- Only * messages
- Unformatted messages
- No notes
- Print a blank line after each person.
- Page &setup
- &Fields to include
- &Notes/names
- RTF options
- Numbering system
- Outline
- d'Aboville
- Modified Henry 1(12)58
- Henry 1C58
- Word processor
- Microsoft Word
- Word Perfect 6.0 or 9.0
- Word Perfect 6.1
- Ami Pro or Word Pro
- Open Office/Other
- Footnotes/endnotes
- Footnotes
- Endnotes
- Endnotes with no duplicates
- Create 2 part index (last name on separate line)
- Create RTF file for MS Word
- Create RTF file for Word Perfect 6.0 or 9.0
- Create RTF file for Word Perfect 6.1
- Create RTF file for Ami Pro / Word Pro
- Create RTF file
- Rich Text Format (*.RTF) | *.RTF
- Open the RTF file in your word processor now?
- Generation
- See marriage to number
- above
- daughter
- son
- of
- and
- Children:
- Children by
- see same person above in generation
- see generation number
- To sort the index correctly, you need to run
- Control Panel, 386 Enhanced, and turn OFF
- Exclusive in Foreground
- Will print a copy of the last index sorted
- Sorted file is empty.
- Do you want to try to sort the index file again?
- Problem with index line
- died
- Page
- Pages
- Has no children
- (see children above)
- I.
- II.
- III.
- IV.
- V.
- VI.
- VII.
- IX.
- X.
- XI.
- XII.
- XIV.
- XV.
- XVI.
- XIX.
- XX.
- XXI.
- XXV.
- XXX.
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
- Fifth
- Sixth
- Seventh
- Eighth
- Ninth
- Tenth
- Eleventh
- Twelfth
- Thirteenth
- Fourteenth
- Fifteenth
- Sixteenth
- Seventeenth
- Eighteenth
- Nineteenth
- Twentieth
- 21st
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 24th
- 25th
- 26th
- 27th
- 28th
- 29th
- 30th
- 31st
- 32nd
- 33rd
- 34th
- 35th
- 36th
- 37th
- 38th
- 39th
- 40th
- 41st
- 42nd
- 43rd
- 44th
- 45th
- 46th
- 47th
- 48th
- 49th
- 50th
- Parents
- Grand Parents
- Great Grand Parents
- Great Great Grand Parents
- 3rd Great Grand Parents
- 4th Great Grand Parents
- 5th Great Grand Parents
- 6th Great Grand Parents
- 7th Great Grand Parents
- 8th Great Grand Parents
- 9th Great Grand Parents
- 10th Great Grand Parents
- 11th Great Grand Parents
- 12th Great Grand Parents
- 13th Great Grand Parents
- 14th Great Grand Parents
- 15th Great Grand Parents
- 16th Great Grand Parents
- 17th Great Grand Parents
- 18th Great Grand Parents
- 19th Great Grand Parents
- 20th Great Grand Parents
- 21st Great Grand Parents
- 22nd Great Grand Parents
- 23rd Great Grand Parents
- 24th Great Grand Parents
- 25th Great Grand Parents
- 26th Great Grand Parents
- 27th Great Grand Parents
- 28th Great Grand Parents
- 29th Great Grand Parents
- 30th Great Grand Parents
- 31st Great Grand Parents
- 32nd Great Grand Parents
- 33rd Great Grand Parents
- 34th Great Grand Parents
- 35th Great Grand Parents
- 36th Great Grand Parents
- 37th Great Grand Parents
- 38th Great Grand Parents
- 39th Great Grand Parents
- 40th Great Grand Parents
- 41st Great Grand Parents
- 42nd Great Grand Parents
- 43rd Great Grand Parents
- 44th Great Grand Parents
- 45th Great Grand Parents
- 46th Great Grand Parents
- 47th Great Grand Parents
- 48th Great Grand Parents
- 49th Great Grand Parents
- 50th Great Grand Parents
- 51st Great Grand Parents
- 52nd Great Grand Parents
- 53rd Great Grand Parents
- 54th Great Grand Parents
- 55th Great Grand Parents
- 56th Great Grand Parents
- 57th Great Grand Parents
- 58th Great Grand Parents
- 59th Great Grand Parents
- 60th Great Grand Parents
- 61st Great Grand Parents
- 62nd Great Grand Parents
- 63rd Great Grand Parents
- 64th Great Grand Parents
- 65th Great Grand Parents
- 66th Great Grand Parents
- 67th Great Grand Parents
- 68th Great Grand Parents
- 69th Great Grand Parents
- 70th Great Grand Parents
- 71st Great Grand Parents
- 72nd Great Grand Parents
- 73rd Great Grand Parents
- 74th Great Grand Parents
- 75th Great Grand Parents
- 76th Great Grand Parents
- 77th Great Grand Parents
- 78th Great Grand Parents
- 79th Great Grand Parents
- 80th Great Grand Parents
- 81st Great Grand Parents
- 82nd Great Grand Parents
- 83rd Great Grand Parents
- 84th Great Grand Parents
- 85th Great Grand Parents
- 86th Great Grand Parents
- 87th Great Grand Parents
- 88th Great Grand Parents
- 89th Great Grand Parents
- 90th Great Grand Parents
- 91st Great Grand Parents
- 92nd Great Grand Parents
- 93rd Great Grand Parents
- 94th Great Grand Parents
- 95th Great Grand Parents
- 96th Great Grand Parents
- 97th Great Grand Parents
- 98th Great Grand Parents
- 99th Great Grand Parents
- ---
- Print Preview
- Cancel
- Zoom
- Page
- &File
- &Print
- &Close preview
- &Zoom
- percent
- &Page
- &First page
- &Last page
- &Previous page
- &Next page
- Print current page
- To print pictures, close Preview and click the Print button.
- Copy current page to clipboard (metafile picture)
- Are you sure you want to close without saving changes?
- ---
- Editor
- &File
- &Save and close
- &Cancel and close
- &Edit
- Cu&t
- &Copy
- &Paste
- &Screen font
- File is over 32000 bytes long. Do NOT choose SAVE after viewing.
- Editing:
- If you have separate data files in
- separate folders, then type one
- folder name per line. Example:
- The original file was longer.
- If you save now, only the first 32,000 characters will be saved.
- You should choose Cancel and Close instead.
- ---
- Convert BK5 Database
- Cancel
- Reading BKPERSON.DT5
- &File
- Con&vert DOS to Windows
- &Close
- Do you have a current backup copy of your database?
- &Convert DOS to Windows
- Convert BK5 Database to Windows
- Convert to Windows
- &Convert Windows to DOS
- Convert BK5 Database to DOS
- Convert to DOS
- Do you also want to convert characters in any text files that are attached?
- file name invalid
- file does not exist
- Some letters were changed in this file:
- Reading person file
- Reading marriage file
- Reading location file
- Reading sources file
- Reading mail file
- Can not convert alt+242 >= symbol
- Can not convert alt+243 <= symbol
- Can not convert alt+247 = symbol
- DOS:
- Windows:
- Press OK if Windows line looks correct
- You will be asked to pick OK for the first five changes.
- The DOS line will look incorrect - this is normal since we are in Windows.
- If the WINDOWS line looks wrong, pick Cancel to abort this routine.
- file name invalid
- file does not exist
- Windows:
- This routine will convert the data in folder:
- Windows uses a different character set than DOS.
- This routine will convert all the accented characters in a BK5 database that
- is currently set up for the DOS version of BK5. If the database does not
- contain any accented or foreign characters, then you do NOT need to run this
- routine. If the database has already been converted to the Windows character
- set, then do NOT run this routine again or the characters will be changed
- to the wrong characters.
- This routine will convert all the accented characters in a BK5 database that
- is currently set up for the Windows version of BK5. If the database does not
- contain any accented or foreign characters, then you do NOT need to run this
- routine. If the database has already been converted to the DOS character
- set, then do NOT run this routine again or the characters will be changed
- to the wrong characters.
- This routine will change the BK6 database and does NOT keep a copy of
- the original files.
- It is up to you make a backup copy before running this routine.
- ---
- Word Search
- &File
- &Make List
- Create &Report
- &Close
- &Type
- &Person by field
- &Marriage by field
- &Any field
- &Make List to Edit
- Create &Report
- Type what you are searching for in the appropriate fields.
- UPPER CASE or lower case makes no difference in this search.
- Leave a field blank if it does not matter what it contains.
- Press F5 or click the AND to change an AND to an OR.
- To find all the John Smiths, search for John AND Smith.
- To find all the Smiths or Smyths, search for Smith OR Smyth.
- OR
- Search all fields for a word or phrase
- Search person file. Names, dates, places.
- Search marriage/family dates, places.
- Source
- Page
- Notes
- <not empty>
- <soundex>=
- Search was stopped at person
- No match found
- Type the word you are searching for
- Search was stopped at marriage
- Quality
- Address
- Include Notes in the search
- Include Sources in the search
- Word Search - Select Person to Edit
- &Edit
- Click a name to see more information, or double click to edit.
- &Word search
- &Word search new
- Soundex
- Type the last name OR type the soundex code
- Soundex code
- Last name
- Search for 'quality not set'
- Search for 'quality is set 0-3'
- do not search for quality
- Search both the person and the marriage/family files
- ---
- Register Brother's Keeper for $45
- Are you using
- Windows 95
- Windows 3.1
- Only use this form if you plan to mail or fax your order. Do not use
- this form if you want to register using the online store on the
- Internet at the www.OrderBK.com web site.
- Cancel
- Print Registration Form
- Name of your printer
- Comments
- Expiration date of card
- Visa or MasterCard number
- Country
- Address
- Name
- &File
- &Print
- &Close
- &Printer font
- Your credit card should contain either 13 or 16 digits
- Please check your credit card number.
- Please double check your credit card expiration date.
- Please remember to enter your credit card expiration date on the form.
- To: John Steed
- 6907 Childsdale Ave.
- Rockford, MI 49341 U.S.A.
- FAX 616-866-3345
- I have Brother's Keeper for Windows version 6.0
- Enclosed is $45 U.S. to register as a first time user. Check, money order,
- cash, or charge card below. (Registered users of the DOS BK5 were already
- sent update information by mail.)
- The Windows version is available in English or circle language desired.
- Danish Dutch French German Norwegian Swedish
- Please send me the current Windows version and the printed manual.
- I need 3 1/2 High Density diskettes.
- I need 5 1/4 High Density diskettes.
- I need 3 1/2 5 1/4 diskettes.
- Printer:
- Using Windows 3.1
- Using Windows 95
- Address:
- Name:
- Address:
- Country:
- U.S.A.
- Visa card number:
- MasterCard number:
- Visa or MasterCard number:
- __________ __________ __________ __________
- Expiration date of Visa card:
- Expiration date of MasterCard:
- Expiration date of Visa/MasterCard:
- ________________
- ---
- Quality check
- This routine will read your database and check for bad links.
- You should NOT run this routine until you first make a backup of
- your data files.
- Do not let this routine fix any errors unless you have a current backup
- of your data files.
- &Yes
- &No
- &Stop
- Person number
- Start
- Last problem was: Fixed
- Last problem could not be fixed
- Reading person file
- BKPERSON.DT6 Btrieve stat error =
- save your existing backup disks - you may need them.
- code number is recorded as
- Record does not end with correct termination character
- Marriage number
- Points to invalid marriage number
- Do you want to correct this problem by deleting that marriage?
- The sex of this person appears to be incorrect based on marriage.
- What should the sex of this person be?
- Male
- Female
- Don't know
- Reversing the marriage
- Name is
- Sex is
- Marriage does not point back to this person.
- Parent's marriage code number is invalid
- Parent's marriage record does not show this person as a child.
- Do you want to correct the problem by deleting the partial link?
- This person is a parent of himself/herself
- Do you want this problem corrected?
- invalid location number
- Invalid source number
- invalid MAILING number
- Do you want to delete the invalid pointer?
- Fixed alpha for person
- Do you want to right justify ALL fields of:
- Right justifying
- Reading marriage file
- Marriage number:
- Marriage points to invalid number for husband
- Marriage points to invalid number for wife
- Do you want to remove the invalid link?
- Marriage points to person number
- but person does not point back to marriage.
- Do you want to create a link from the person to this marriage?
- Regarding the marriage between
- Marriage points to child
- but child does not point back to parent's marriage.
- Do you want to delete link from marriage to that child?
- Children not in correct birth order
- Do you also want to correct the child order in ALL families?
- No and stop as&king
- Marriage points to invalid number for child number
- End of check up
- Will write all problems to file:
- Name field:
- does not contain what is in the Sort Name field:
- ---
- Location change
- Start
- This routine will let you globally change locations (place names).
- Type the existing location or locations in the top boxes,
- and type the new location in the bottom box.
- When you click Start it will change all occurrences of the top locations
- into the bottom location. To find existing locations, type a few
- letters and press enter and pick from the list of matching locations.
- Change all the above locations to the location below
- You have not given a location to change from and to
- Error - location not found
- ERROR when matching - please try again
- error reading existing location
- error adding new location
- Convert date format
- This routine will change the date format for all dates
- in your database. Do not run this routine unless you
- have a current backup copy of your database.
- Do you have a current backup of your database?
- Current &Date format
- &New Date format
- Also go to File, Options to set the current date format.
- Start
- Close
- You did not pick your current date format
- You did not pick a new date format
- Source Change
- This routine will let you globally change sources.
- Type the existing source in the top box, and type the new source
- in the bottom box. When you click Start it will change all
- occurrences of the top source into the bottom source.
- To find existing sources, type a few letters and press enter
- and pick from the list of matching sources.
- Change the above source to the source below
- Please press enter to search for existing source
- Top source is not an existing source.
- You have not given source to change from and to - routine cancelled
- Both sources are the same.
- Merge duplicate sources
- Delete Unused Locations
- Delete Unused Sources
- Deleted:
- This routine will delete from the location file any locations that are not
- attached to a person or a marriage.
- This routine will delete from the source file any sources that are not
- attached to a person or a marriage.
- ---
- Split database
- Create
- To create a new data folder, type the folder name below.
- Create the NEW data files in what drive or folder?
- Select people (add)
- Deselect people (subtract)
- Number selected:
- Ancestors of a person
- Ancestors of a person plus family of each ancestor
- Entire branch (all ancestors plus all descendants of ancestors)
- Descendants of a person
- Descendants of a person plus parents of spouses
- Range of numbers
- Family of a person
- Copy the selected people now
- Quit without copying
- Read from:
- Write to:
- You have chosen to quit the routine without copying the selected names.
- Please start the folder name with the drive letter then : then \
- folder already exists
- Select the people to copy to the new database
- Deselect the people to copy to the new database
- Your current data files are in:
- damaged BK6 data files already exist in
- folder contains a BK6 database. Number of names=
- Do you want to erase the existing BK6 data files in that folder?
- Are you SURE you want to erase the BK6 data files located in:
- reached the limit of 8000 ancestors in one selection
- selecting 40 generations only
- infinite loop - someone is an ancestor of himself
- You need to select some people first
- no - you must use a different drive or path for the write to files.
- The BK6 split from:
- requires the following text/picture files to be copied:
- (only copy files if moving data to another computer.)
- You need to create the new database in a different folder.
- The file BKSPLIT.LST contains the names of text/picture files to copy
- Will select all people in the file BKSPLIT.TXT
- Individual - Not family
- ---
- Select a range of numbers
- S&tart with:
- Sto&p with:
- ---
- Merge two databases
- Add what database to your current data
- Add this database:
- To this database:
- This routine will add ALL the people from one BK6 database
- to your current database which is:
- If anything goes wrong during the merge, your database
- will be damaged and you will need to use a backup copy.
- This routine may take 2 to 4 seconds for each name added.
- So do not start the routine unless you have time for it
- to finish the merge.
- Do not run this routine unless you have a current
- backup copy of your database.
- Do you have a current backup of your database?
- The current files are empty.
- The added folder must be different from the current folder!
- The READ FROM files are empty.
- Over 64000 names in Read From files.
- If the same person is in both databases, that person will be duplicated.
- So do not run this routine if there are a lot of duplicates.
- Merge complete
- Did not find Brother's Keeper *.DT6 data files in
- names.
- ---
- Backup data files
- file size is:
- Free space on diskette is:
- COPY to drive
- Compress to drive
- Compress multi-disk
- You can not backup from and to the same drive.
- Backup complete
- copying:
- Not enough room on diskette or backup disk.
- Insert a new diskette.
- There is a LARGER file on the backup disk or folder.
- This routine will not copy over a larger file because the data
- on the backup disk or folder may be more current.
- Use a new diskette or CD or folder and then pick backup again.
- Problem - file not copied.
- Data files are very large. Use multi-disk option or copy to a CD-R.
- Data files are too large to use COPY to A. Use Compress instead.
- Insert a USB drive or a blank disk and then click a button to make a backup.
- Please wait. Copying data files to:
- error opening file
- error reading comment
- The file
- already exists. It contains:
- Do you want to write over that file?
- Backup of Brother's Keeper data files
- Original folder:
- Backup date:
- File not found
- Access denied
- Disk is not ready or file is in use.
- Disk Full - use multi-disk option or be sure diskette is empty.
- Backup is complete.
- Copying data files to:
- Currently, this option will work well only if you use
- a blank formatted diskette.
- Insert a blank formatted diskette.
- Also backup attached text files.
- Also backup attached picture files.
- to
- existing backup contains:
- Backup of Brother's Keeper data files
- Pick a different drive
- Type the drive letter to backup to. It will backup to the root directory
- on that drive unless you enter the directory name also.
- WARNING: Be careful that you do not accidently write over a different
- current database.
- If you pick a different drive, you should also backup to a CD-R from
- time to time in case of any failure with your other drives.
- ---
- Submitter Information
- If you are giving the gedcom file to someone else, you may enter
- information below so that people may contact you if they have questions.
- If you are not giving the file to someone else, just pick cancel.
- ---
- Convert BK 4.5 Data Files
- Where are the version 4.0 - 4.5 data files located?
- This routine will read Brother's Keeper version 4 data files and convert
- them to data files that Brother's Keeper for Windows can read.
- The data files will be ADDED TO any data that is currently in folder:
- Did not find Brother's Keeper *.DT4 data files in
- FAMLFILE.DT4 file is empty
- your version 4 or 4.5 data files currently contain:
- names
- marriages
- message lines
- locations
- BK version 5 files already exist in folder:
- Existing version 5 files have:
- This routine will add ALL 4.5 version names to existing names in file.
- WARNING - any problems while adding may cause the EXISTING version 5 names to
- be lost. Do not continue unless you have a current backup of existing files.
- If you continue, all people in the 4.5 database will be ADDED to the people
- that are already in the version 5 database.
- If you have a backup copy of your version 5 data files
- and you do want to add all the 4.5 data to your existing data
- then press OK, otherwise press Cancel
- Reading version 4.5 person file
- If you stop now, then the data
- files you were adding to in:
- will not be complete and should be erased.
- Do you want to stop now?
- Error - disk is full!
- Reading marriage file
- ---
- Error
- Print
- (Note: If the mouse pointer is an hourglass, you may still close all screens)
- Cascaded
- Errors
- Procedure
- Stack
- Error:
- Explanation:
- Procedure:
- Application
- Procedure stack is out of sync.
- Last Push:
- This Pop:
- VB/Rig's procedure stack is out of sync. Check the following procedures
- for improperly paired PUSH_PROC and POP_PROC commands.
- A re-sync will be attempted.
- Overflow happened at location
- Bad File Name error happened at location
- Word processor not found. From main BK screen pick File, Options, Text Editor
- This error will happen if the gedcom file
- does not have a carriage return after each line.
- A line feed without a carriage return is not enough.
- Version Verify
- Incompatible files (click file name for more information.)
- Detail description of incompatibilities
- No conflicts found
- Reference File Name :
- Reference File Date :
- Reference File Version :
- Conflict File Name :
- Actual File Date :
- Actual File Version :
- Actual File Found :
- Description of Conflict :
- File was also found in the following directories :
- Older file was found (based on file date).
- Newer file was found (based on file date).
- Older Version was found.
- Newer Version was found.
- Special Version was found:
- File was found in memory.
- No matching file was found.
- File does not contain Version Information.
- The following Incompatible files were found:
- There is a problem with your data files.
- Keep all existing backup copies of data files safe.
- Write protect your existing backup copies of data files.
- Make a NEW extra backup set of data files. Do NOT write over existing backup.
- You may need to restore your best backup of your data.
- ---
- Compute birth date
- Death date
- Years
- Months
- Days
- Compute birth date
- Copy to birth field
- ---
- Compute Relationships
- No more relationships found
- Type of search
- Fast search of 350 ancestors in 20 generations
- Slow search of 16000 ancestors in 60 generations
- Print Box chart
- Compute
- Find a different relationship for same two people
- Compute how person:
- Is related to person:
- Enter the first person
- Now enter the second person
- Click on a name above if you want to change it
- &File
- Printer setup
- &Print
- Pre&view
- &Close
- &Printer font
- Reached the MAX of
- ancestors
- After checking up to a maximum of
- ancestors in
- generations
- they do not have a common ancestor.
- They are not related.
- is the
- of
- click here to enter a name
- ---
- Options
- &Dates
- Field n&ames
- &Other
- Te&xt editor
- &Edit screen
- Da&te format
- None
- 24-Jun-1954
- 24 Jun 1954
- 06/24/1954
- 06-24-1954
- Jun-24-1954
- Jun 24 1954
- 24-Jun-1954 (enter as DDMMYYYY)
- 24 Jun 1954 (enter as DDMMYYYY)
- 24-06-1954 (enter as DDMMYYYY)
- 1954.06.24
- 1954-06-24
- 24.06.1954 (enter as DDMMYYYY)
- not used
- &Month
- Lower case 24 Jun 1954
- Upper case 24 JUN 1954
- &File
- &Save options
- Sa&ve and close
- Close &without saving
- Check each date for validity when entered on the Edit screen.
- (Invalid dates will be red.)
- Default first 2 digits of year (18 or 19 or 20)
- Characters before and after la&st name for example [ ]
- &Label size (lines top to top)
- &Which address lines to print
- Character meaning &never print messages
- #
- Character before &BK code numbers
- #
- &Zoom percentage for preview screen
- Wife keeps her &maiden name
- &Right justify Ref field
- &Put changes in BKAUDIT.TXT file
- Start BK6 as full s&creen (with taskbar showing at bottom)
- Start BK6 as 640 by 480 window
- Check this box if the second page of reports does not print correctly
- Check this if you have a Canon BJC printer or HP 1100 printer
- Name for date below born
- Baptized:
- Name for date below died
- Buried:
- Name for date 2 lines below died
- Other:
- Name for bottom line on left
- Ref:
- Name for bottom line on right
- Occupation:
- Name for date below married
- Other:
- When you go to the edit screen, who do you want to have showing?
- The first person in the database
- The last person in the database
- The person which was showing the last time you used edit
- The person most recently printed in a report
- Person number:
- Have the screen blank
- Have the screen blank and prompt for a name to find
- Show all children on edit screen as the default
- When the program starts have it go to the edit screen
- &Use F10 to mean Save on Edit screen
- S&how date of last change
- Ma&ke selected field on edit screen gray background instead of light blue
- Use what editor to edit text files or open RTF files for reports.
- BK editor
- Microsoft WORD
- Word Perfect
- Ami Pro
- Other
- folder and program name
- Do NOT use the normal Windows screen font
- Caution: If you change the screen font, you might be unable to
- share data with other people that are using the normal screen font.
- Do not clear print job from Windows when you cancel printing
- Save Portrait/Landscape information for each report and restore after
- Make the Select Person list show in birth year order
- If alphabetical sort locks up, try 9 here
- Spacing percent when printing single page from Preview screen (80-100)
- If text on Preview overflows the page, make spacing percent smaller.
- Pause after printing how many pages? (0 means don't pause.)
- ---
- Collapsed Ancestor Chart
- Select ancestors of
- N&umber of generations
- &Bold print names
- Include duplicate ancestors if &cousin marriages
- Print on continuous &tractor feed paper
- Show BK code numbers
- Show ahnentafel numbers
- No numbers
- reached maximum names of 10000
- see generation number
- If chart looks bad, pick File, Page Setup and reduce all margins.
- Delete this line before printing.
- Create 5 generation RTF file (Word/WP)
- Create 5 generation RTF file (other)
- ---
- Restore data from backup disk to hard drive
- This routine will copy files from your backup disk to:
- Restore from
- Read from:
- Write to:
- Backup disk contains:
- Size
- Date
- Restore
- Diskette contains the *.DT6 data files and also the BK6DATA.ZIP file.
- This routine will show contents of the BK6DATA.ZIP file.
- You already have BK data files in:
- Are you sure you want overwrite the data in that folder?
- copying:
- Files have been restored
- Problem - file not copied.
- The file
- contains:
- Diskette contains version 4 data files.
- To convert go to the main screen and pick File, Convert 4.5
- Diskette contains files made with DOS BACKUP program.
- You must use the DOS RESTORE command.
- Diskette contains files made with DOS MSBACKUP program.
- Diskette contains files made with Windows BACKUP program.
- Use that program to restore the data files.
- Diskette is not ready.
- Disk does not contain *.DT6 or BK6DATA.ZIP files.
- Go to 'My Computer' to see what files are on that disk.
- This routine restores files that were created with the BK program.
- It does not restore files created with MSBACKUP or other backup programs.
- Warning
- Cancelled
- to:
- ---
- Reasonableness Check
- Page &heading:
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Age when married
- Age at death
- Age of father at childbirth
- Age of mother at childbirth
- Age difference of spouses
- Age of living people
- &File
- Printer Set&up
- &Print
- Pre&view
- &Save Options
- &Close
- &Printer Font
- Reading person file
- age
- year
- years
- Age at marriage
- Age difference from spouse
- Age of father
- Age of mother
- Mother died before child was born
- Father died before child was born
- ---
- 4 Family Box Chart
- Name of person
- This chart will find the great grand parents of the person above and
- print the descendants of those 4 families.
- This person has no parents.
- Father's parents not found.
- Mother's parents not found.
- The grandparents of the starting person must exist in the data files.
- Click on the name to pick an new starting person.
- ---
- Calendar
- Set Portrait or Landscape and try one month first as a test.
- The people on the calendar will be the people that were most recently
- on the birthday/anniversary list printout or preview.
- Print which year
- Print which month
- Message at bottom
- &File
- Printer setup
- &Print
- Preview
- &Close
- &Printer font
- Year needs to be 1996 or higher
- All months
- invalid month
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- * see below
- No room to include:
- Print entire year, with 4 months per page
- ---
- This file was saved in Word format.
- Please load this file into Word and then pick File, Save As and
- change the file type to ASCII or Text only.
- This file was saved in Word Perfect format.
- Please load this file into Word Perfect and then pick File, Save As
- and change the file type to ASCII.
- ---
- Missing Information Report
- Page setup
- Missing fields
- Include only the descendants of
- Include everyone in the database
- Heading:
- This routine will find the people that are missing information in the
- fields you select.
- Anyone that is missing information in any of the fields you select will
- be printed.
- date
- place
- You need to pick which missing fields to look for on tab 2
- ---
- Locations with Events
- Page setup
- Other options
- Include all locations
- Include only locations containing
- Include everyone that is in the database
- Include only the descendants of
- Put the = symbol before the event if a source exists for that event
- Put events in BK code number order (together for a person)
- Put events in chronological order for each location
- Event
- Date
- Number
- Name
- This routine can not currently handle over 32,000 locations
- You asked for only locations that match - BLANK
- Reading person file
- Heading:
- ---
- Count of Descendants
- Descendants of:
- Descendants
- Spouses
- Generation
- Totals
- Show the descendants of which children
- ---
- Graphic Charts
- Lifespan
- for descendants
- Include spouse if not divorced
- Include spouse even if divorced
- Do not include spouse of descendant
- Both male and female
- Male only
- Female only
- &Descendants of
- &Ancestors of
- &Entire database
- Click on Type above to pick the chart you want
- &File
- &Print
- &Close
- &Type
- &Lifespan
- &Birth month
- &Death month
- &Marriage month
- Number of Children
- Number of Children if not zero
- People
- Families
- Descendants of
- Ancestors of
- Reading person file
- Reading marriage file
- Birth Month
- Number of Children per Family
- Number of Children per Family if not zero
- Death Month
- Age
- Lifespan
- Lifespan - Male
- Lifespan - Female
- Marriage Month
- Number of Children
- ---
- List of Surnames
- Page setup
- Other options
- for descendants
- Include spouse if not divorced
- Include spouse even if divorced
- Do not include spouse of descendant
- Include everyone that is in the database
- Include only the descendants of
- Print surname only if more than one person has that surname
- Sort the list from most used name to least used name
- Sort the list alphabetically
- Name
- Male
- Female
- Total
- Reading person file
- Over limit of 32000 different last names in this report
- Totals:
- Heading:
- Include all witnesses
- Include only this witness:
- Sort the list alphabetically by Witness name
- Sort the list alphabetically by Person name
- ---
- Tiny Tafel File
- Create TT file
- All ancestors of
- &File
- &Create TT file
- &Close
- A Tiny Tafel file is a summary of all your ancestors. The file contains the
- soundex code and each unique last name of all of your ancestors in each of
- your family lines. It also contains the birth date and place of the first
- known ancestor in each line, and the birth date and place of the most
- recent descendant with that last name.
- Your data file will be read and the Tiny Tafel file will be created for you.
- You may then print the file, and you may use a special editor, such as TTGEN12
- to edit the file to your liking. The file may then be uploaded to a computer
- bulletin board which has the Tafel Matching System. Then others who have also
- created a Tiny Tafel file will be notified if they are searching for ancestors
- which match yours, and you can request a search of other people's Tafel files.
- Sorting names
- Combining duplicate names
- over 250
- Create tiny tafel file
- Please enter your name and address so others can contact you.
- Your name and address are required for a valid TT file.
- ---
- Ancestor Box Chart
- bur.
- ---
- 3 by 5 cards
- Print one card, then do a form feed
- Print three cards then do a form feed (laser index cards)
- Print on a few sheets of blank paper first as a test
- and then use the 3 by 5 cards
- Do you want to change top and left margins to 1 inch and 1.7 inch?
- Pick Yes to print non-stop or No to pause after next sheet
- ---
- Picture Summary
- Click the word File above to make a selection.
- &File
- Display
- Print
- all pictures attached to people
- all pictures in one folder
- &Close
- Which folder contains the picture files?
- problem with file:
- Press ok for next 6 pictures
- click here to drag box
- This routine will print a small copy of each picture.
- It will print 35 pictures per page.
- It may take 3 minutes before the first page prints.
- More
- You must click either More or Cancel before anything else.
- ---
- Edit
- Fi&le
- Save
- &Close edit screen
- Exit Brother's Keeper
- &View
- Person View
- Family View
- &Edit
- Cancel recent changes
- Cu&t selected text
- &Copy selected text
- Copy notes
- Copy address to clipboard
- Copy address/phone/etc
- Copy all to clipboard
- &Paste
- Rearrange order of spouses
- Rearrange parents
- &Add
- Spouse or partner
- Child
- Sibling
- Parents
- New individual
- F&ind
- Find a person
- Previous code
- Next code
- First person
- Last person
- Go to Father
- Go to Mother
- Go to Spouse
- Go to Child
- Go to Older sibling
- Go to Younger sibling
- Word search
- Word search continued
- Word search (new)
- Show parent type: Adopted, Step, etc.
- Show primary parents
- Show secondary parents
- &Delete
- Delete person
- Delete Link to Spouse
- Delete Individual Address
- Delete Family Address
- Rearrange order of spouses
- So&urce
- General source for person
- Source for Name
- General source for family
- Show source
- Lo&cation
- Search location
- Location notes
- &Reports
- Find F3
- <
- >
- &Older
- &Younger
- Add s&pouse
- Add c&hild
- Add parents
- Add siblin&g
- Ancestor
- Events&/Facts
- Childre&n
- No&tes
- Pictures
- Address
- Names
- Siblings
- Parents
- Shortcut button at the top for:
- Add sibling
- Add parents
- Save current width of columns as the default width
- You can also pick Add on the top menu and use the
- drop down menu when adding parents.
- When adding a new person, insert these individual events as defaults
- Close
- Move Up
- Move Down
- Restore to original
- Click here when done moving spouses
- Double click the other parent from this list, or pick none of the above
- (not entered)
- (none of the above)
- Delete event
- Options
- Before
- After
- Neither
- Siblings
- Delete link to Picture
- Options
- Add Picture
- Delete file
- Add file
- Add Name
- Delete Name
- Click here when done moving children
- Rearrange order
- Delete link to child
- Add child
- Show defaults
- This name is used for the alphabetical sort
- These name fields are optional. You do not need to enter names into
- these fields unless the defaults are wrong.
- Title
- Last name
- Prefix
- Suffix
- Sort Name
- First name
- invalid date
- Save to a file
- No children
- Cancel / Restore
- Sort by birthdate
- Cancel changes
- Individual address
- Family address
- Lock
- Male
- Female
- Unknown
- Mailing List
- Holiday
- Birthday
- Reunion
- Newsletter
- Other 1
- Other 2
- Other 3
- Delete event
- Add Event
- General Date
- Text file name
- Print where
- Siblings
- Born - Died
- To enter additional names for this person, click the Add Name button below
- Type of name
- Name
- Print where
- Date
- Children
- Born - Died
- Click below when done
- Changed:
- Age:
- invalid date
- This line is used when writing to the family. example: John and Mary Smith
- This line is used when writing to the person. example: John Smith
- Individual Name
- Couple's Name
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
- E-Mail
- Web
- Other
- Go to spouse
- Go to mother
- Go to father
- Add Spouse
- Name
- Type Over
- Press Esc or Cancel if you are done adding children to this family.
- Note for:
- unknown event
- First add a person. See Add on top menu.
- Pick the sex of this person
- (Type M or F or else click with the mouse)
- invalid sex for person selected
- Type the name of the father of
- Type the name of the mother of
- Do you want to add the name of the Not Entered spouse?
- You are adding a spouse or partner of
- The spouse or partner you are linking is not male.
- Do you want to continue anyway?
- The spouse or partner you are linking is not female.
- Are you sure you want to cancel recent changes?
- picture files .jpg .pcx .png .bmp .gif .tif
- Select picture file
- Picture
- Picture file not found.
- Picture error
- Picture error number
- This program does not read GIF files nor TIF files that use LZW compression.
- Do you want to delete the link from this family to
- error - child did not point back to parent marriage number
- no child to delete
- error during address delete
- Do you want to delete the link between this husband and wife?
- This routine will totally delete
- Text is over 22,000 characters. Either save as an external file or else
- make two smaller internal files.
- Click here to Edit text
- Click here to save internal
- This is a .wav file (sound file)
- Click here to attach an existing file
- Create file and open with
- Edit file with
- Click here after word processor has closed
- Click here to save changes
- Background color
- M
- F
- U
- no first person
- Brother's Keeper Edit
- Screen font
- Has general source
- Has name source
- Has family source
- Born
- Baptized
- Christened
- Died
- Buried
- Cremated
- Adopted by both
- Adopted by father
- Adopted by mother
- Baptized LDS
- Bar Mitzvah
- Bat Mitzvah
- Blessing
- Census
- Christened (adult)
- Confirmation
- Confirmation LDS
- Emigrated
- Endowment LDS
- Event
- First Communion
- Funeral
- Graduated
- Immigrated
- Naturalized
- Ordination
- Probate
- Retirement
- Resided
- Sealed child LDS
- Will signed
- Yartzeit
- Interred
- Brit Mila
- Not living
- Never married
- No children from this person
- Occupation
- Military
- Religion
- Education
- Nationality
- Caste
- Ref number
- AFN number
- Social Security num
- Permanent number
- ID number
- Height
- Weight
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Description
- Medical condition
- Cause of death
- Number of children (person)
- Ancestor interest
- Descendant interest
- Property
- Married
- Married (civil)
- Married (religious)
- Divorced
- Marriage Bann
- Marriage Bond
- Marriage contract
- Marriage license
- Marriage settlement
- Divorce filed
- Separated
- Annulled
- Engaged
- Sealed to spouse LDS
- Resided (family)
- Event (family)
- Census (family)
- Marriage intention
- Not married
- Common law
- No children from this marriage
- Number of children (family)
- Marr ID number
- Marr Ref number
- Event/Fact
- Date
- in
- on
- near
- from
- at
- to
- Location/Description
- N
- S
- W
- Picture file name
- Ind/Fam
- Individual
- Family
- Heading
- Primary
- Group
- Box
- Ancestor
- Never print
- Size
- Type of name
- Also known as
- Nickname
- Short name (for reports)
- Adopted name
- Hebrew name
- Census name
- Married name
- German name
- Farm name
- Birth name
- Indian name
- Formal name
- Current name
- Soldier name
- Religious name
- Other name
- Formerly known as
- Called
- Indigenous name
- Name
- Group
- Book reports
- Ancestor
- Birthday list
- Box / Tree
- All
- Never print
- Date
- Text file name
- Indiv/Family
- Individual
- Family
- All Reports
- Only on Group
- Only on Book reports
- Only if ask for 1
- Only if ask for 2
- Only if ask for 3
- Never print
- Child Name
- Dates
- Sibling Name
- Spouse Name
- BK num
- Marriage Date
- There is not yet a marriage or spouse for this person.
- General source for the family
- General source for the person
- Fact of having a child
- Invalid date:
- This is not a location for an event
- Picture file
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to this textfile?
- (internal textfile)
- Do not change name of internal textfile, or the text will be lost
- no internal message number to find
- Error - internal messages not found
- Text file not found
- Text or message
- Are you sure you want to delete this event?
- Are you sure you want to delete this name?
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to this picture?
- Type the name of the new person and then press tab
- No numbers higher than
- No numbers lower than
- In the next window, pick the background color for the text box
- when you are not editing it.
- Person already has two sets of parents
- Person already has parents:
- You are adding the parents of
- Notice, you can not set a note as Family if the person is not married.
- Notice, you can not set a picture as Family if the person is not married.
- Notice, you can not set a family event if the person is not married.
- Changed event type to:
- Changed event date from:
- Changed location to:
- Changed other type to:
- Changed other date from:
- Changed description to:
- Deleted:
- Added:
- Reminder: put the Occupation in the Description field, not in the date field.
- Reminder: put the Ref Number in the Description field, not in the date field.
- Your database is Read Only. Change file attributes of *.dt6 files.
- To add an address, you must enter something in Individual name or Couple name
- To add an address, you must enter something in line 1 or line 2
- Primary parents are:
- Secondary parents are blank.
- Text is over 22,000 characters. Please reduce size of file, and save the
- rest of the text in another internal file or an external file.
- Age:
- &Father
- &Mother
- &Spouse
- over 75 children
- Changed:
- please set the correct sex for this married person
- This person does not have parents attached yet.
- bp.
- chr.
- bur.
- Directory does not exist
- Drive not ready
- adding second parents to child
- You are adding a child of
- Previous child was:
- Name field
- &Spouse
- unknown sex for person
- double click on spouse
- Text
- Save text file
- Text Or RTF
- problem determining spouse number
- Click here to create text
- First set the sex of the person to Male or Female
- This person does not have a child attached.
- You are not allowed to change information for this person
- Click button above to play wave file.
- Be sure the text file is not currently being viewed by your word processor.
- Error opening textfile. Error is
- Before you can change the text, you must click the
- button above to edit the text.
- Note: Marriage and family events must be below individual events on the grid
- Type the full name of the child and then press tab
- Type the name of the spouse and then press tab
- Add either parent first then press Tab
- then press Tab
- This is a note or text file for a certain event or a certain fact.
- It is not a general note for the person or marriage.
- ---
- Source
- &Add Source
- Move Up
- Move Down
- Options
- Delete Source
- Clo&se
- Vie&w the selected source
- Add the previous source a&nd page to this event
- Add the pre&vious source to this event
- Source abbreviation
- Title
- author
- Previous source:
- Below is a list of sources for the above event.
- To view the source, double click it.
- This box will show the event and the person involved.
- File
- Close
- Abbreviation
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Source for
- Delete link to source citation
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to this source citation?
- Problem, correct source not found
- warning - source citation missing.
- citation update error is
- problem updating citation error is
- ---
- Edit Source
- Clo&se
- italics
- (parenthesis)
- Actual text for this citation
- Comments for this citation
- Page / Reel number
- Check this box to have the page number print with the footnote
- Quality of data
- Picture
- Repository
- Click here to enter the name of the repository
- Select a different master source
- Actual text (print if checked)
- Comments (print if checked)
- Check this box to print the title in italics for footnotes
- Title
- Check this box to have the title print in the footnote
- Author
- Publisher / date
- Abbreviation
- Check this box to print the publisher in parentheses
- Media
- Call number
- File
- Find a master source
- Delete link to Repository
- Cancel changes
- Change color of citation
- Close
- Scope
- Date only
- Location only
- Both date and location
- Edit
- Cut selected text
- Copy selected text
- Paste
- Color
- repository record missing
- Source for
- error reading source pointer
- Edit Source
- Audio
- Book
- Card
- Electronic
- Fiche
- Film
- Magazine
- Manuscript
- Map
- Microfilm
- Newspaper
- Other
- Photo
- Tombstone
- Video
- 3 - Primary or very reliable
- 2 - Secondary or fairly reliable
- 1 - Questionable
- 0 - Unreliable
- all fields are blank, not saving
- all fields are blank in master source. Not saving.
- Do you want the master source changed for every citation of this master source
- Pick yes to change the master source. Pick no to add a new
- master source with these changes.
- ---
- Select Source
- Title / Description
- Author
- Publisher
- Text
- Comments
- Create New Source
- Select the above Source
- Cancel
- Click here to list more sources
- Show sources starting with:
- Select a source from the master list, or create a new source
- File
- Select source
- Create new source
- Cancel
- Select from Master Source List
- ---
- Brother's Keeper - Family View
- Married:
- Wives
- Husbands
- &File
- &Close
- &View
- Person View (Top person)
- Person View (Original person)
- Family View
- (not entered)
- ---
- Convert BK5 data to BK6
- Fields
- Pictures / Text files
- Move the source from BK5 to which fields in the BK6 source
- Move line 1 to:
- Move line 2 to:
- Move line 3 to:
- Move all 3 source lines from BK5 to:
- Pictures
- Copy only pictures without a specific path to:
- Leave all picture files in current location
- Copy all existing picture files to:
- Text files
- Convert small text files to internal text files
- Copy only text files without a specific path to:
- Leave all text files in current location
- Copy all existing text files to:
- Normally, print the page number with the source
- If a source is on the REF and OCC line in BK5 then the source is for:
- Occupation
- If a source is on the Ceremony and Divorce line in BK5
- then the source is for
- Divorce/annulled/separated
- Ceremony
- Keep the 7 message lines as separate lines (keep carriage returns)
- Make the 7 message lines into one paragraph
- Is this correct?-->
- Move the optional fields from BK5 to which fields?
- Field below born
- Field below died
- Field two lines below died
- Ref field
- Occupation field
- Field below married
- To change the text and picture folder names, cancel, then pick File, Options
- Cancel
- Convert BK5 data to BK6
- or else Search drive for BK5 files
- OK
- Cancel
- Select the correct drive and folder, or click Search if you do not know
- Where is your BK5 database located?
- Any problems while converting will be listed here:
- Save the error list to a file
- Print the error list
- names
- Please wait
- Reading BKPERSON.DT5
- &File
- Con&vert BK5 data to BK6
- &Close
- If you stop now, your BK6 database will be damaged and unusable.
- File saved as:
- error copying file for person
- problem with long folder name
- unable to determine file name path
- BK5 program was not found in C:\BK5 Please type the drive letter and folder
- name where the BK5W.EXE program is located.
- This information is needed if you have text files or picture files attached
- that do not have the complete path name included.
- BK5 program was not found in
- You can not choose to have two lines from the source to go into one of
- the first four fields.
- unknown sex for
- address
- Regarding person
- problem converting to internal text
- see page field
- Error reading wife to determine marriage sequence. Wife is number
- Error reading husband to determine marriage sequence. Husband is number
- Regarding marriage of
- Source attached to blank date was converted to general source.
- see page field
- (see text)
- (see comments)
- Note: The number of marriages or families may be smaller in BK6.
- Do NOT delete your BK5 data files until you have checked the BK6 data
- and you have also made at least 2 backup copies of the BK6 data including
- text files and picture files.
- This routine is only designed to transfer BK5 data into an empty BK6 database.
- Pick an empty database before converting. Pick File, Open database, Create
- If you have multiple databases, convert each to a new folder.
- The conversion may require about 1 minute for every 1000 people.
- After you select the BK5 database, check each of the options carefully.
- Author
- Title
- Publisher
- Abbreviation
- Actual Text
- Comments
- Text
- Picture
- error finding file for person
- problem converting to internal text
- see page field
- BK5 data files do not exist in that directory
- WBTRCALL.DLL did not load correctly.
- error opening bkperson.dt5
- Names
- to:
- Did not find Brother's Keeper *.DT5 data files in
- Please take a few minutes to be sure all options are set correctly.
- Check the options on each of the three tabs below.
- This is OK since old deleted marriages are not copied from BK5 to BK6
- Move each of the 3 lines to a separate source
- In BK5 each event had one source that was 3 lines long.
- You have chosen to split the 3 lines of one source into 3 separate sources.
- ---
- Date range
- Use this form to enter a date range
- Close
- Starting date and ending date
- Event happened sometime between date 1 and date 2
- Invalid date
- Starting date
- Ending date
- Date 1
- Date 2
- ---
- Details and Notes for a certain location
- Close
- Notes
- (this feature not enabled yet)
- Move Up
- Move Down
- Add file
- Delete file
- Options
- Cancel changes
- Click here to Edit text
- Save to file
- Text file name
- General Date
- Print where
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Only use numbers and spaces with maximum of one decimal.
- Example 43 50 49.95 N which is degrees minutes seconds.
- Or you may use degrees and fraction 43.847283N
- Details
- Other
- The fields below are optional (and not printed) and may be used if you
- want to divide the location into its parts.
- If the location name is long, then the shortened name is used on
- charts when there is limited space.
- Formerly know as
- Country
- State or Province
- County or Parish
- Township
- City or Village
- Shortened location name
- Below is a note or text file about this location. It is NOT a note for the
- event, person, or marriage.
- N&umber of generations
- File
- Close
- location not saved
- Text file name
- Click here to Edit text
- problem - could not delete old text file name error=
- Text
- problem saving internal text
- Text Or RTF
- This is a .wav file (sound file)
- Details about:
- location not found
- Is the next line the first part of the missing internal message?
- no internal messages for this event
- ---
- Select which addresses to print
- ---
- This database is currently empty. Please pick one of the choices below
- Type in new people starting with number 1
- Restore a BK6 backup from diskette or CD
- Convert a BK5 database to BK6
- Import a gedcom file from a genealogy program
- Open a different BK6 database
- Search the drive for an existing BK6 database
- New database
- Exit
- OK
- ---
- Options
- Unless otherwise specified, the PICTURE files are located in
- The following folder
- The following folder below the BK6 data files
- The PICTURE folder below the BK6 data files
- The same folder as BK6 data files
- Unless otherwise specified, the TEXT files are located in
- The following folder
- The following folder below the BK6 data files
- The TEXT folder below the BK6 data files
- The same folder as BK6 data files
- None
- When the program stops, ask if you want to backup data files
- Normally print source page number with footnote
- Normally print source publisher in parenthesis
- Normally print source title in italics
- Check this box if clicking Portrait/Landscape does not work correctly.
- If you made any changes, they are not being saved. (see File, Save)
- directory and program name
- Start BK6 as 800 by 600 window
- Text/Picture
- RTF/Other
- Text
- Picture
- ---
- Repository for
- Repository
- Cancel
- Select
- Select the repository you want
- Show list of repositories
- Close
- Phone
- Repository Name
- Address
- Fax
- E-Mail
- Web
- Other
- File
- Close
- Name is blank, so not saving
- Do you want the repository changed for every source that referred to
- this repository?
- Pick yes to change the repository. Pick no to add a new repository.
- Name is blank, so not saving
- error reading repository
- ---
- Search for BK5 data files
- Please wait
- &Files Found:
- Search &Criteria:
- &Search
- E&xit
- Clear screen
- Cancel
- Searching - Please wait
- Double click a line to select that database.
- WBTRCALL.DLL did not load correctly.
- Problem opening BK5 files in:
- You've filled the listbox. Search stopping
- ---
- Witness
- Close
- Move Up
- Move Down
- Options
- Delete Witness
- Add Witness
- Witness name
- BK num
- dates
- The following people were witnesses to the above event.
- File
- Close
- Witness to
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to this witness?
- Fact of having a witness
- named:
- problem, witness record number is zero. Close then open click W again.
- Event
- Person name
- Num
- Witness name
- ---
- Change names - Upper/lower case
- Convert the ENTIRE name to UPPER CASE
- Do not modify a name if any part of the name has some lower case
- letters already.
- Convert the name to Normal Case (make only the first letter of each part
- upper case)
- Convert the LAST name to UPPER CASE
- Warning! Backup your data files before doing this!
- Cancel
- Start
- Start with number:
- Please wait
- Reading BKPERSON.DT6
- &File
- Start
- &Close
- You did not pick if you want upper case or lower case.
- before:
- after:
- This routine will read the data in:
- It will change names. THIS MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FILES
- Make a backup of your database before running this routine.
- This routine may take a half second per name, so be sure you have time for it.
- ---
- Global changes
- Change only the Page fields (on the source screen for people and marriages.)
- Change only the Sources (for people and marriages)
- Change only the sex field
- Change only the name field
- Change only the Occupation field
- Change only the REF field
- Change only the dates (for people and marriages)
- Change only the locations (for people and marriages)
- Change only the Text file path names
- Change only the Picture file path names
- Change only the Media file path names
- Cancel
- Start
- Warning! Backup your data files before doing this!
- Be sure to type the correct Uppercase or Lowercase letters in both boxes.
- Change it to:
- Search for:
- Please wait
- Reading BKPERSON.DT6
- &File
- Start
- &Close
- You did not pick which fields to change!
- The box of what to find is blank!
- Do you want to insert:
- You can NOT change to or from internal textfile or the files will be destroyed
- internal
- You can NOT change 'internal textfile' or the files will be destroyed.
- error - other record not found on direct read.
- Too long to fit:
- Continue?
- Close
- This routine will read the data in:
- It will let you globally change data. THIS CAN DAMAGE YOUR DATA FILES
- Change
- Don't change this one
- OK and stop asking
- Quit
- OK to change
- Person
- After
- Before
- ---
- Witness list
- Utilities
- Convert names to/from Uppercase/Lowercase
- Global Search and Replace
- Add back a deleted BK number
- Remove carriage returns from text files
- Repositories
- Change Repositories globally
- Combine duplicate Repositories
- Delete unused Repositories
- ---
- Make separate paragraph for husband and wife
- Print pictures
- Married line to read:
- spouse name
- date/place
- (Leave box below blank or else use: married)
- Click here to only print the basic events
- Click here to print more events for each person
- Events available
- This is the list of events to print
- Add --->
- <--- Remove
- Add all
- Remove all
- This is the list of events to export
- Print spouse name before spouse notes
- Blank line before / after
- Blank line between children
- Event Notes
- (see note 1)
- After the event
- None
- To print all events, you must also select separate paragraphs.
- see note
- Note
- Currently for this option to work, you must also click the
- button to show More events on 'fields to include'
- Partner
- Print divorce event even if date is blank
- ---
- Type the drive letter to restore from.
- It will restore from the root directory on that drive unless you
- enter the directory name also.
- Pick a different drive
- If you have another diskette that contains text or picture files to
- restore, put that disk in now then click OK
- Did not find BK_FILES.TXT file on that diskette.
- Do you want to restore Text, Picture & Media files to their original location?
- Done with that disk.
- ---
- Master Source List
- Click one source to view details
- Print list of all master sources
- Edit this source
- Pick Yes for all source fields, pick No to only
- print abbreviation line
- Edit Master Source
- The changes you make on this screen will be global. In other words,
- every source citation that uses this master source will have
- the changes.
- This routine will read all master sources and will combine
- duplicate master sources into one master source.
- Cancel loading sources
- No duplicate master sources found
- Done. Found and corrected:
- duplicate sources
- ---
- Print only primary events: Birth, Bapt, Chr, Died, Buried, Ref, Occ, Married
- Create HTML files
- Create
- Create the HTML files in what drive or folder?
- To create a new folder, type it here then click create.
- Convert picture files
- Convert picture files to JPG format
- Only copy the JPG files and do not link files that are not JPG
- Move picture files
- Leave picture files in current location
- Copy all picture files to the HTML file location.
- Could not create directory.
- Error in create html routine. Error number
- Error in create txt routine. Error number
- You have only selected one family. For html files you might want to select
- Ancestors or Descendants of a person or select a Range of numbers.
- To protect people's privacy, you may want to select the option to exclude data
- for living people over a certain age.
- creating index
- creating files
- HTML done
- Note: Do not put all the html files in C:\
- Please create a new directory such as C:\HTML
- Warning. You have a margin of over 4 inches.
- Warning, you had 'age to exclude' set at:
- NOTICE: This routine will make 1 file for each family you have
- selected. It will create a large number of files so pick a folder
- where you want the files created. It will overwrite any html file
- or jpg file with the same file name in the folder you select.
- Therefore, do NOT pick your normal BK data directory, but instead pick
- a special folder such as C:\HTML for example.
- You have asked for pictures with the HTML files. If you intend to
- upload the files to the web, the files should be JPG files and
- should be moved to the same location as the HTML files.
- You may leave pictures in the current location if you are just viewing
- the HTML files on this computer and not uploading to the web.
- Warning. Font size is over 30
- Notes for:
- Name Index
- Notes
- Sources:
- Back
- Other spouse
- Event Notes
- ---
- If you want to add back in a BK code number that was deleted, type that
- number now. To add back all deleted numbers, type the word ALL
- It is strongly recommended that you run File, Quality check BEFORE AND
- AFTER adding back BK code numbers.
- number too large
- That number already belongs to:
- Done. It would be good to pick File, Quality check next.
- available
- Note: to reuse the numbers that were added back, type the name AVAILABLE
- when adding children to a family.
- Utility to change Notes
- Cancel
- OK
- Warning:
- Large
- Normal
- Small
- Skip (do not change)
- Sa&ve Changes
- Stop
- Above is how the text looks now.
- Below is how the text will look if you click the button to save changes.
- File
- Close
- There is a problem with the Compression Buffer size for Btrieve.
- Be sure the text file is not currently being viewed by your word processor.
- Warning: You must have at least two good backups of your data files including
- notes before running this routine.
- This routine will fix the problem of short text lines with
- hard carriage returns. If the notes printed in BK6 do not look the
- same as they did in BK5 and if the problem is the carriage returns
- at the end of the lines (if the lines were not wrapped when
- originally typed) then this routine should fix the problem.
- ---
- Select which addresses to print
- You may limit the addresses that print by selecting only certain items
- below. Pick just one item unless you only want addresses that match
- two or more.
- Remove diskette and label it with the disk number and also
- 'last disk of set'
- Please insert a new diskette for the text and picture files.
- Do you want to make a backup of your data before stopping?
- Do you want to stop the Brother's Keeper program?
- Brother's Keeper CD menu
- Pick one of the buttons below
- Install Brother's Keeper 6.0
- Read BK 6.0 manual
- Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0
- Show instructional movie about BK 6.0
- Install older version 5.2G of BK
- Exit
- Can not find Acrobat. Be sure Acrobat is installed. If problems continue,
- pick Start, Programs, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, then pick File, Open and pick
- the CD ROM drive, then pick the file.
- Brother's Keeper 5.2G Menu
- Use this screen to install the older Brother's Keeper 5.2G version.
- Pick one of the buttons below
- Install Brother's Keeper 5.2G
- Read BK 5.2 manual
- Close
- Instructional Movie
- While the movie is showing, you may use your mouse to move the ScreenCam
- control panel out of the way. When the movie is done, click the X on the
- ScreenCam control panel before starting a new movie.
- The movies have sound also.
- Show movie about the Edit screen (9 minutes)
- Show movie about adding a Source (5 minutes)
- Close
- You need to pick Compress instead of Copy when you backup.
- Pick OK, then Cancel, then start the backup again using Compress.
- Do you want to create a new text or picture folder called:
- Edit that person and fix the file name on the Notes or Picture tab.
- 'Permission Denied' means a file is either 'Read Only' or it is 'In Use' by
- another program.
- (overwriting)
- Do you want to continue with the next file?
- Could not create file named:
- Pick a backup method: 1 or 2 or 3
- Folder not found
- Error during create folder
- If you have not already done so,
- Restore cancelled
- That drive or folder not found.
- Disk full
- Insert the last disk of the zip set
- Error opening bk6data.zip file. Did not restore. Try using WINZIP
- Problem with restore from bk6data.zip file. Try using WINZIP
- Diskette contains BK5 data files.
- Do you want to copy the BK5 data files to your computer?
- After you restore the BK5 data files, you can run File, Convert BK5 to BK6
- Problem: more than 9 files in bk6data.zip Extra file is:
- Use \ not / in path name
- Folder name contains accented letters.
- File name contains accented letters
- You have entered a temporary password that is provided free so that
- new users can try out all the features.
- This is a shareware program.
- After you have tried out the program, please register with
- John Steed by picking Help, How to register.
- You may want to make a copy of it and then delete it after you are
- finished with this session.
- Try searching for:
- Note: The RTF file will not contain pictures.
- Some BK6 files already exist in:
- Pick an empty folder.
- Notes
- Select text file
- Run the File, Quality Check routine
- Only switch Male and Female labels
- Only switch Husband and Wife labels
- Change Wife to Female
- Change Husband to Male
- Change Husband to Male and Wife to Female
- No changes
- You may need to fix this marriage on the Edit screen by
- picking Delete, Link to Spouse from the top menu
- Internal message is missing.
- Do you want to add a blank message that is marked: [message missing]
- [message missing]
- Do you also want to change ALL the missing messages for ALL people?
- Be sure you save all your backups or contact John Steed BEFORE picking Yes.
- Reading Witness Links
- Event points to invalid Witness number:
- Witness points to invalid Event number:
- Reading internal Notes
- The following note is attached to both an Event Note and
- a Source Comment:
- Type 1 if it should be an Event Note for:
- Type 2 if it should be a Source Comment for:
- Type 1 or 2 or leave blank to skip or type 999 to stop
- He married
- She married
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Partner
- Add a source to a range of people
- Pick an existing source or enter a new source
- The source will be attached as a general source for each person
- When searching for matching names, show these events.
- Restore Defaults
- Will add blank marriage event, if blank marriage had a
- source attached in BK5
- Show shortcut buttons for 7 of the commonly used reports
- Do not use Western script for fonts
- Type the number for the Script or Character Set you want for all fonts
- The database is on a CD-Rom so you will not be able to make changes on
- the Edit screen
- The index will only include the names and pages unless you pick an option to
- show dates also.
- Put birth year after each name in the index
- Put birth and death year after each name
- Only names (no dates) in the index
- RTF Index
- Select which notes
- Western (ANSI)
- Greek
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Baltic
- Russian/Cyrillic
- Central Europe
- Indenting will be smaller
- no page num.
- Blank out the Sort name and Last name
- This routine will blank out (delete) the Sort name and Last name for
- every person in the database.
- It is only to be used if those fields contain the wrong information.
- Are you sure you want to do this?
- Last chance. Are you SURE you want to blank out the Sort name and
- Last name for every person?
- If you pick yes, wait a few minutes until you get a
- message saying it is done.
- Done. You need to pick File, Quality check next.
- Perhaps you want to use 'Restore data files' instead.
- Please wait.. Creating temporary files
- no locations found
- &Options
- Print 35 per page
- Print 24 per page
- Print 12 per page
- Print 6 per page
- Print file name
- Do not print file name
- Print heading instead of file name (if printing attached)
- Print BK code numbers (if printing attached)
- Do not print BK code numbers (if printing attached)
- Do you also want to have the BK code number after the name?
- First type the Width of the paper in Inches
- Now type the Height of the paper in Inches
- The picture ancestor chart was designed for Portrait, not Landscape.
- Currently the Box chart is limited to 18 generations.
- You did not type both a first and last name, so this search may take
- a long time
- Type the first and last name to find a person.
- Press the F1 key now for help
- Insert row
- Increase the Size or Width for the BK number field to show the
- entire number.
- You can not make a comma-delimited file when you pick paragraph.
- Overwrite existing file?
- Pick the type of name in column 1 first
- Invalid line number for event. Please add it again
- Invalid line number for other event. Please add it again
- Invalid line number for name grid. Please add it again
- Invalid line number for picture. Please add it again
- Invalid line number for text file. Please add it again
- Internal message problem.
- There may be a problem with internal textfile for person
- There may be a problem with internal textfile for marriage
- That same internal file might be used by person number
- Determine which person should not have that note on the
- Edit screen and use the Delete Textfile button.
- Click Yes to continue
- No duplicate repositories found.
- duplicate repositories.
- Search Event
- Location / Description
- Wife Name
- Husband Name
- Both husband and wife are blank for marriage record
- A child attached to that 'blank' marriage is:
- Do you want to delete that 'blank' marriage with no husband and no wife?
- When you are finished, run File, Quality check
- Enter a complete path to the text files from BK5 such as C:\BK5\
- Marriage of
- There are two different backups at that same location
- Type 1 if you want the regular backup dated:
- Type 2 if you want the compressed backup dated:
- Type the number 1 or 2 below.
- That gedcom file does not have carriage returns after each line.
- Please wait - Converting file to:
- The gedcom file is large, so it may take several minutes to fix.
- Gedcom file contains blank lines or it has two carriage returns after
- each line
- To fix it, load the gedcom file into your word processor and
- pick File, Save As, ASCII or TEXT ONLY
- Include abbreviations for sources
- Do not use accented letters in the path name.
- To change a location to be the same as an existing location, use
- File, Location, Change Location Globally
- Sorting
- Sorting file Please wait
- Currently this sort routine can not sort over 160,000 lines. Please use
- the regular VSORT routine instead. Change the 9 to 0 in File,
- Options, RTF/Other, on the sort line.
- This routine will add a General source to a range of people in
- 1. Click the button below to pick a Source.
- 2. Pick the starting and ending numbers.
- 3. Lastly, pick Start to add that source to those people.
- Add a Source to a Range of People
- First click on button that says: Pick the Source you want to add
- You want to add the source to everyone in the database, is that correct?
- Pick the Source you want to add
- Source:
- Start with:
- Stop with:
- Do you want to stop before it is finished
- You may limit the Notes that print by selecting only certain items below.
- Pick each type of Note you want to have printed.
- Select which notes to print
- Print only notes which have 'print where' set to:
- not designated or blank
- You did not select any notes to be printed.
- Parents of:
- New Custom Event name (Individual)
- New Custom Event name (Family)
- If you want to create a new custom Individual event that is not
- already on the drop down event list, you can enter the event name
- below.
- After you add it, it will be at the bottom of the list,
- but it will be near the middle of the list the next
- time you come to the Edit screen.
- To modify your existing list, you can Edit the file:
- Please limit the name of the event to 18 characters.
- That event is already on the regular event list
- That event is already on the Custom event list
- Problem, custom Individual event list is full
- If you want to create a new custom Family event that is not
- already on the drop down event list, you can enter the event name
- below
- Error trying to write to file:
- Problem, custom Family event list is full
- Change only the extra name types (e.g. Nickname, Also known as, etc)
- Change only the Event types (e.g. Buried, Graduated, etc,)
- This routine will change the type of Event
- This routine will change the type of extra name.
- Change name type for name:
- Change Event type for this person?
- Change Event type for this family?
- You have the same name type in both places
- You have the same Event type in both places
- This routine can not change Individual events
- to Marriage events
- This routine can not change Marriage events
- to Individual events
- This routine can not change Events (things with locations) to
- Other (things with descriptions)
- This routine can not change Other (things with descriptions) to
- Events (things with locations)
- Pick Yes for entire paragraph of text or comments,
- pick No for just one line of each.
- Show divorce event even if date is blank
- Show name, birth, death for all children of each ancestor
- Show full information for all children of each ancestor
- Show name title
- RTF Pictures
- Picture linked to RTF file (recommended for Word)
- Name of picture file in text box (recommended for Word Perfect)
- 4 generations with siblings
- If you have a background file name, type it here
- none
- Search only for Notes marked 'Never Print'
- Limit the Select Person list to 1000 names at a time
- In order to correctly see the Eastern or Central European character set,
- go to File, Options, Edit screen, and change the
- bottom two lines.
- Note: after you open the RTF file in your word processor,
- save the file as a .DOC file BEFORE you change the sizes
- of the pictures.
- If the report contains a lot of pictures, it may take a long time to
- open the RTF file, however after you save it as a .DOC file,
- it will open faster.
- Note: after you open this RTF file in your word processor,
- save this file as a .DOC file BEFORE you change the sizes
- of the pictures.
- After you save this as a .DOC file, you should pick File, Close,
- then File, and open the .DOC file (number 1 near the bottom of the
- drop down menu.)
- The pictures are linked to this file, but the actual pictures are not
- part of this document yet. To load the pictures and set the correct
- size pick Edit, Links, select all the picture lines with the mouse,
- then click 'Save picture in document', then click 'Update now',
- then again select all the picture lines with the mouse, then click
- 'Break link', then click OK.
- If the text for a person is less than 5 lines, you may need to add
- a couple blank lines after the text to
- provide proper spacing for the picture.
- This paragraph is here because you asked for pictures in
- the RTF file. Be sure to delete this paragraph BEFORE
- you create the index or print.
- Each picture box is inside a text box.
- To enlarge a picture, you may need to enlarge the text box first.
- Note: after you open the RTF file in your word processor, save
- the file as a .WPD file BEFORE you insert the picture files.
- Note: after you open this RTF file in your word processor, save
- this file as a .WPD file BEFORE you insert the picture files.
- After you save this as a .WPD file, you should pick File, Close,
- then File, and open the .WPD file (number 1 near the
- bottom of the drop down menu.)
- To insert a picture file, highlight the path and file name, then
- pick Edit, Copy, then pick Insert, Graphic, File, then Paste
- the file name and pick Open.
- If the text for a person is less than 5 lines, you may need
- to add a couple blank lines after the text to
- provide proper spacing for the picture.
- This paragraph is here because you asked for pictures in
- the RTF file. Be sure to delete this paragraph BEFORE
- you create the index or print.
- Selected people
- All people
- Gedcom file
- Palm handheld file
- Select the people to copy to the gedcom file
- Deselect the people to copy to the gedcom file
- Select the people to copy to the Palm file
- Deselect the people to copy to the Palm file
- 7 generations with limited information in last 2 generations
- 7 generations with full information
- Be sure to use a small printer font, or large paper.
- Change only the preposition (in, from, near) for a location
- This routine will change the preposition (in, from, near)
- that is before one location.
- Type in a location, or press F8 to search for the location,
- then set the preposition to search for and the one to change it to.
- It will then change for all events that use that location.
- location:
- Do not show anyone as unconnected if that person is
- a Witness to some event
- click the Start button to begin
- Start
- Import a comma-delimited database
- Blank out the Sort name and Last name fields
- Convert names from Last, First to First Last
- Find BK6 database
- Create Palm handheld database
- When adding a witness, add a note showing to whom the witness points
- Witness to:
- Global change of Ref Num field
- Move the BK code number to the Ref Num field
- Move this text to the Ref Num field:
- When the Ref Num field already has information, then do what?
- Replace what is currently there
- Add a second Ref Number field
- Do not change what is currently there
- Put this text before what is currently in the Ref Num field:
- Blank out the Ref Num field
- Move the BK code number to the Description event
- Text to move is blank
- Text to put before is blank
- Change everyone in the database, is that correct?
- Show everyone that this source is attached to
- There are no sources attached to anyone.
- General family source for person number
- and
- Event source for person number
- Event source for family of person number
- Note or text file source for person number
- Note or text file source for family of person number
- Picture source for person number
- Picture source for family of person number
- Alternate name source for person number
- Child source for person number
- Child source (secondary parents) for person number
- Source that person number
- is Witness to
- Event for person number
- Event for family of person number
- Attached to something else. Where=
- If you heard a beep, you may need to backup your database
- and then run File, Sources, Delete unused sources.
- General source for person number
- Name source for person number
- Include links to witnesses
- Show year of birth or marriage
- see same person above
- Fixing problem: two family events in grid line number:
- Two events share the same grid line for a Family event.
- On the Edit screen, show that husband and wife.
- If the problem is not automatially fixed,
- then delete the event for:
- Then Close Edit and then go back to Edit
- and add back that event.
- Reading Witness Links
- Event points to invalid Witness number:
- Reading internal Notes
- The following note is attached to both an Event Note
- and a Source Comment:
- Type 1 if it should be an Event Note for:
- Type 2 if it should be a Source Comment for:
- Type 1 or 2 or leave blank to skip or type 999 to stop
- see witness
- No repositories
- Show witnesses
- Witness
- Text is over 22,000 characters. The rest is in the Clipboard
- so to save the rest of the characters, (write this down) click the
- bottom button 'Add File', then 'Click here to edit text',
- then from the top menu pick Edit, Paste.
- That file is either 'read only' or else the file is
- open in another program.
- You must click either More or Cancel before doing anything else.
- Import Comma Delimited File
- It is STRONGLY suggested that you import into an empty BK database or
- that you have a current Backup of your data.
- Start the Import
- Show a different line
- The description here should match the data to the left.
- Double click below on the field that describes the next field
- from the file.
- A line in the file contains the following fields
- Cancel import
- You did not assign the fields yet.
- end of file
- Is sex M or F for this person? Type M F or ?
- Adding person
- Last name only
- Given names only
- Note: This routine requires the sex field either in the file,
- or entered manual for each person
- Note: currently, this routine does not link people together.
- Import what file
- all files (*.*) |*.*
- The file needs to have quotes around the fields.
- click Yes for nonstop or No for one at a time or Cancel
- example:
- click on 'show a different line' or check the file
- skip this field
- Convert names from last, first to first last
- This routine will convert the data in folder:
- It will change names. THIS MAY DAMAGE YOUR DATA FILES"
- Currently there is a comma after the last name Last, First
- Currently there is NOT a comma after the last name Last First
- You did not pick which way your names are currently.
- Please be sure you make a Backup of your database before
- running this routine.
- This routine will blank out (delete) the sort name and last name for
- every person in the database.
- It is only to be used if those fields contain the wrong information.
- Are you sure you want to do this?
- Last chance. Are you SURE you want to blank out the Sort name
- and Last name for every person?
- If you pick yes, wait a few minutes until you get a
- message saying it is done.
- Ending page can not be less than starting page
- Warning: length of file path and name is over 150 characters.
- Reading Event file
- Reading Media file
- Reading To Do file
- Reading citation file
- Press F6 key if you have Win XP and a CD-R drive
- Pick your XP User Name.
- It is one of the lines below 'Documents and Settings'
- XP User name:
- Copy to CD-R (Win XP)
- Look for an icon on the taskbar which will prompt you to finish writing
- to the CD disk.
- Or else go to My Computer and open the CD drive icon to finish writing
- the files to CD
- There are already BK6 data files waiting to be written to a CD.
- Do you want to overwrite those files?
- To see those files, go to My Computer and open the CD drive icon.
- If you do not see files waiting to be written to the CD, then you
- may have picked the wrong XP user name.
- To fix that, press F6 while on the Backup screen.
- Also backup attached media files.
- You have not given a location to change from and to
- or the top locations did not exist
- or the new location was not different.
- Routine cancelled
- If you want to delete the link to this repository, then close this
- screen and then pick File, Delete link to repository.
- Can not find relationship file called:
- The database is on a CD-Rom so you will not be able to make changes
- The database is 'Read Only' so you will not be able to make changes
- Will select all people in file BKSPLIT.TXT and spouses and children.
- Will select ancestors of all people in the file: BKSPLIT.TXT
- Will select ANCESTORS + families of all people in file BKSPLIT.TXT
- Add Email
- Add web site
- Add Media File
- Delete link to File
- Click the button to the left of a file name to launch the program to
- access that file
- Web
- Email
- This grid shows the siblings and the main person who is marked with >
- Click the button to the left of a file name to view that picture or click a
- picture above to view it full size
- mailto:
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to this file?
- Media file
- all files
- sound files
- video files
- HTML files
- Select Media file
- Media
- Date
- Date of 'to do' item
- Status
- Plan
- Started
- Progress
- Completed
- Description
- Location
- Repository
- Type
- Research
- Correspondence
- Other
- Priority
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Media
- To Do
- To Do item
- Delete link to Repository
- Are you sure you want to delete the link to repository:
- You may add items requiring research for this person, or make a 'to do' list
- for this person. Each item also has a text box for adding further
- information
- The note area below is for the 'to do' item with the black triangle in
- the left column.
- Add 'to do' item
- Delete item
- Print
- Are you sure you want to delete this item?
- 'To do' item for:
- Date:
- Status:
- Description:
- Location:
- Repository:
- Type:
- Priority:
- This person has no 'to do' items to print
- If your database file is damaged, you will need to repair the file before
- you can view it or add to it.
- Back to previous person
- Forward to next person
- Do not try to add an Individual event called Married
- Warning: you have a custom individual event called Married
- Change it to the Married that is one line above Married (civil)
- General 'To Do' Items
- 'To Do' Search/Report
- Word Search - To Do
- Custom Reports
- Cl&ose
- Pre&view
- Print
- Fields to include
- Sa&ve options
- Sort the report on what field
- Repository
- Location
- Description
- Last Name
- Selected people + general to do items / or general items only
- Entire database (no general items)
- Entire database + general to do items
- Selected people (no general items)
- Note
- If you save a report with the name GROUP it will be used when printing a Group
- sheet report that includes 'to do' items.
- (will use saved report called 'group' from List, Todo)
- Search and List 'To Do' Items
- (not entered)
- Note (paragraph)
- Close
- Print
- File
- Location
- Search Location
- Text is over 22,000 characters.
- General 'To Do' Item
- General 'to do' items
- There are no General 'to do' items to print
- To print all 'to do' items, leave fields blank and select Entire database.
- To only print certain 'to do' items, pick which items to
- search for and/or for which people.
- Multimedia file name
- Description
- You may attach sound, video, pdf, or other files below. These files
- will be linked to this person, but they will not
- be printed on any reports.
- Have the witness note be set to 'never print'
- Unless otherwise specified, the MEDIA files are located in
- The following folder
- The following folder below the BK6 data files
- The MEDIA folder below the BK6 data files
- The same folder as BK6 data files
- Change name to 'Living'
- Include 'to do' items
- Include names of media files
- Living
- When you double click a sibling, change current tab to Events
- No matching entries found.
- Show 'to do' items
- Delete line
- Line number:
- Date field is over 20 characters long.
- Double click a date to view dual date.
- Print 'to do' items
- Which 'to do' items do you want to print?
- Print the selected item
- Print the selected item and note
- Print all 'to do' items for this person (portrait)
- Print all 'to do' items for this person (landscape)
- Print all 'to do' items and notes for this person.
- For other print options, go to the top menu and
- pick Reports, Lists, To Do Search/Report
- 'To do' items for:
- Preview is limited to 999 pages, Print is not limited.
- You may preview with a smaller printer font to see more information.
- Include date of last change
- Also show register number before names in lineage
- Also children
- Print address
- (will use address lines set up in File, Options)
- Address is blank
- If you have changed from your normal printer to a special label printer,
- be sure to change it back before printing anything else.
- It is possible that you have an infinite loop
- (someone is an ancestor of himself or herself)
- Click Yes to continue building the report,
- or No to just show what you have so far.
- Witnesses
- Unable to sort witness list.
- Go to File, Options, RTF/Other and put a 9 on the
- line about Sort problems, then save options.
- If you need to change the sex of a married person, write down
- the BK numbers of the spouse and children and the marriage date.
- Then pick from the top menu Delete, LINK to spouse.
- Then fix the sex of each, then click Add Spouse to add the
- spouse, then click Add Children.
- There are no unconnected people.
- all pictures attached to one person
- Also search alternate names
- Also search alternate names (click Options to save this setting)
- Warning: Did not find a carriage return in the first line of the file.
- The first line in a gedcom file should be: 0 HEAD and there
- should be a carriage return after every line in the gedcom file.
- Confirm changes to existing names
- Confirm
- You are changing the name of person number:
- from:
- to:
- Do you want to create a recovery file to help in case of
- future file problems? (This may take 5 minutes.)
- Brother's Keeper Family Edit
- Family Edit
- Edit (blue)
- If you are using Brother's Keeper for the first time, read this:
- If you do not want English, then pick Help, Change Language.
- If you do not live in the USA then pick File, Options and pick a date format.
- If you are using the trial version, press F1 for help about getting started.
- That text file has 'Read only' file attribute.
- Set this spouse as Primary
- Building recovery file:
- All adding is done on the regular Edit screen
- To delete a person, click the name to go to the Edit screen,
- then pick Delete, Person.
- To delete the Not Entered person, pick Delete, Link to Spouse
- It appears that you have typed the card numbers incorrectly.
- Pick OK to print form or Cancel to change number
- You have entered
- digits
- invalid number?
- When you do the next HotSync it will send the file:
- The next time you preform a HotSync, the files will be
- installed on your handheld.
- Done.
- Run your Palm Desktop program and pick View,
- Install, Add and add the two files from:
- Too many records (people + families + events) for Palm database
- Limit is 65536. You have:
- The Palm database can only hold 65,000 records, so do not
- select over 30,000 people.
- reading:
- Option is set to keep same BK code numbers in the new database.
- Custom event names are only available if you are a registered user.
- If you are, then click Help, Enter Registration number.
- Click to change language
- Individual sheet
- Individual Sheet
- Individual Sheet
- Individual
- You have too many events selected. On 'Fields to Include' pick only
- the events you want printed on Blank group sheets.
- See tab called: Fields to Include.
- Include Internal Notes, but not External Notes
- Did not find BK6 data files in:
- Do you want to search the folders on that drive to
- find any BK6 data files?
- compressed backup file
- Pick 1 folder name that is 1 level below 'Documents and Settings'
- Show born and died dates
- Family Picture
- No pictures.
- One picture to the right of person.
- One picture to right plus all other pictures at the end.
- One picture to right plus all pictures at the end.
- No picture to the right. All pictures at the end.
- Size for pictures at the end
- 24 pictures per page
- 12 pictures per page
- 6 pictures per page
- Put under pictures at the end
- Picture file name
- Person name
- Heading
- Currently the HTML output will only include 1 picture for each person.
- Print on plotter size paper
- This routine is designed to print on a plotter or very large paper.
- At the current font size, the paper needs to be at least
- inches long.
- If you have a normal printer with letter size paper, then click Cancel,
- and pick the regular File, Print routine instead.
- Ancestor fan chart
- Ancestor Fan Chart
- Do you want to change the printer to Landscape?
- Curve names in an arc
- Label the generations
- Note: Names will be easier to read when you print on paper with File, Print
- Print 5 generations
- Print 6 generations
- Print 7 generations
- Note: The screen will display 5 generations, but the printer will print 6
- Note: The screen will display 5 generations, but the printer will print 7
- parents
- grand
- parents
- great
- grand
- parents
- great
- great
- grand
- parents
- 3rd great
- grand
- parents
- 4th great
- grand
- parents
- (div)
- d.
- You may find that after printing a Fan chart, some other reports will not
- print correctly unless you stop BK and restart BK.
- Flag a group of people
- Flag a group of people
- Select the people to flag
- Deselect the people to flag
- Descendants of a person plus spouses
- Range of numbers (individuals)
- Range of numbers (and families)
- One individual
- One family
- < - Flag the selected people now
- < - Quit without flagging anyone
- You are changing the group number, but you have NOT finished
- flagging people for group number:
- If you want to finnish flagging the previous group, change back to
- that group number, and then pick the
- button to 'Flag the selected people now'
- Group
- save changes
- clear
- Do you want to clear the flags for everyone in group number:
- Saving changes to the description of this group.
- All relatives of:
- Ancestors of:
- Ancestors (and family of ancestors) of:
- Descendants of:
- Descendants (and their spouses) of:
- Range of numbers starting with:
- Family of:
- You have chosen to quit the routine without flagging the selected names.
- This routine will let you select a group of people, such as your ancestors,
- and then you can 'flag' them so that when you are on the Edit screen, it will
- show a special flag (button) for people in that group. When you put the
- mouse over that button, it will show what group they are in, and if you
- click the button, it will jump to the main person in that group.
- For more information, press F1 for help.
- To flag a group of people:
- First pick a group 1-5 at the bottom.
- Then select the people you want in that group.
- Then pick 'Flag the selected people now'
- - not used -
- Flag 1
- Flag 2
- Flag 3
- Flag 4
- Flag 5
- Flag 6
- Flag 7
- Flag 8
- You have 0 selected people. You need to change to 'Select'.
- You are using a temporary registration number.
- Please register this program with John Steed within 30 days.
- See Help, How to register
- This feature is for registered users only.
- See Help, How to register
- Latitude values not the same for line:
- and line:
- Longitude values not the same for line:
- Short place name not the same for line:
- City field not the same for line:
- Township field not the same for line:
- County field not the same for line:
- State field not the same for line:
- Country field not the same for line:
- and bottom line.
- Do you want to continue and make the changes anyway?
- Do not show the computed age if larger than how many years?
- If you are not using the English version of Windows XP contact John
- Steed about how to determine the correct temporary folder name.
- Age on birthday in year:
- Years married in year:
- Age (still living)
- Age (still living)
- Age (still living) - Male
- Age (still living) - Female
- Select the descendant again to reload the selected people.
- Unlinked Branches
- Unlinked Branches
- This routine will determine if everyone in your database is
- linked together, or if there are some branches that are
- not linked together.
- This is a little different from the report called: List, Unconnected People,
- because that report will not show a group of two or more people that
- are linked to each other, but not to the main group.
- If a person is a Witness to some event, do not show them as
- a group of 1
- If a person has the name 'not used' or 'available', do not
- show them as a group of 1
- Please wait - reading witness file
- Group:
- Number of people:
- One person in the group is:
- If you want to totally delete an address,
- pick Delete, Individual Address from the top menu.
- The Family Edit screen is designed for
- a screen 800 by 600 or larger
- The Compare Databases screen is designed for
- a screen 800 by 600 or larger
- Every person at the top of a page
- Each couple only once - smallest BK code number at top
- Each couple only once - male at top
- Each couple only once - female at top
- Do not show if a child was adopted, step, or foster
- Put the word: (adopted) (step) (foster) BEFORE name of child.
- Put the word: (adopted) (step) (foster) AFTER name of child.
- Put the word: [adopted] [step] [foster] BEFORE name of child.
- Put the word: [adopted] [step] [foster] AFTER name of child.
- adopted
- step
- foster
- other
- Change only the descriptions (Occupations, Religion, etc.)
- Put ( ) around non-standard dates
- Export all events
- Select which events to export
- Import all events
- Select which events to import
- You may add items requiring general research, or make a 'to do' list
- that is not attached to one person. Each item also has a text box for
- adding further information
- You may search standard events on the left or you may also
- search a field you pick below
- Only include if the person has the above event, but it is blank
- Also include people that do not have the above event attached
- Show born, baptized, christened, died, buried, married (basic events)
- Show all events
- Show only the event listed below
- Show basic events plus the one event listed below
- These group flags are just for information on this screen.
- Enter a date or description before adding a repository.
- Reading description file
- Click a location first
- Location name is blank
- Attach picture/file to master source
- Show button to attach picture to master source
- Attach picture/file to citation
- Pictures or files for master source:
- Pictures or files for source citation:
- Picture or file name
- Add picture or file
- Delete link to file
- Show picture full size
- Turn off auto-resize
- Turn on auto-resize
- Will print wider lines
- name is line 1, phone is line 6, and email is line 8
- When you click on the picture with the web browser
- Nothing will happen
- Open picture full size in a new window
- Open picture full size and use back arrow to return
- Warning: Only the first 100 characters of the location field are
- being saved.
- date
- place
- date and place
- description
- date and description
- Note: If source footnote numbers show as Roman numerals in Word,
- then in Word from the top menu pick Insert, Reference,
- Footnote, and change the number format, then click Apply.
- Only show the first name of each person in lineage going back
- Do NOT show superscript generation number after given name
- of main person or first child.
- Note: do not try to create a gedcom file on a CD, but instead
- create it on the C drive first.
- Select which source fields to export
- Select which notes to export
- Over
- Search for blank event
- Find people that are missing this event, or that have the event and
- it is blank
- Include if date is blank
- Include if location/description is blank
- Include if BOTH date and location/description are blank
- Include if EITHER date or location/description is blank
- Only include if the person has the above event, but it is blank
- Also include people that do not have the above event attached
- If the person has more than one of these events, then:
- Include if any is blank
- Include only if all are blank
- copy to clipboard
- Pick a folder for the Brother's Keeper 6 data files
- If you can not find an existing BK6 database, pick File,
- Utilities, Find BK6 database
- You can also pick File, Options, Other to set this option.
- set to 800 by 600
- set to 1024 by 768
- Start BK6 as 1024 by 768 window
- Start BK6 as same screen size as it is right now
- Start BK6 as full screen (if no taskbar)
- If you have Windows Vista, then Right click the BK6 icon and
- pick Run with administrator rights.
- BK6 needs administrator rights for your data folder which is:
- People with secondary parents
- You do not have anyone with two sets of parents.
- Do you want to change the location:
- to be:
- South Africa d8
- South Afr. a1b12c5d8
- no indents
- Direct Lineage from:
- to:
- Child of
- Note: if this couple is not married, then use
- the 'Not married' event instead of the 'Never married' event.
- Add Spouse
- Add Partner
- Include latitude and longitude for locations
- Select which notes to export
- You have picked the option to only include selected Notes.
- You may limit the Notes that are included by selecting only
- certain items below.
- Pick each type of Note you want to have included in
- the gedcom file.
- Include only notes which have 'print where' set to:
- You did not select any notes to be included.
- Only export certain fields of the sources
- You have picked the option to only include selected
- fields of each Source.
- You may limit the fields that are included by selecting only
- certain items below. Pick each source field that you
- want to have included in the gedcom file.
- Include All fields of the sources
- Include only the fields that are set to print when
- printing footnotes
- Include only the fields that are specified below
- Master source fields
- Citation fields
- Picture
- You did not select any fields to be included, so
- no sources will be exported
- Global search and replace of Notes
- This routine will globally change your Notes which are
- attached to people or marriages
- Be sure to type the correct Uppercase or Lowercase letters in both boxes.
- Search for:
- Change it to:
- The text box of what to find is blank!
- File too large to change. File name:
- Click Skip for this file
- Event source for
- Picture source for
- Double click a name to jump to that person
- Show everyone this source is attached to
- Create List box of names
- Preview the list of names
- If names overlap in generation 4, you may need to use a
- smaller Printer Font size.
- If names are missing above the top person in generation 4,
- you may need to increase the size of the top margin.
- Normal Name index
- Surname index above Name index
- Separate Surname index and 26 separate Name index files
- Note: You did not have the option checked on 'Page Setup' to create an index.
- You should click Cancel and turn on the option to create
- an Index and then start again.
- Surnames:
- Index:
- You have clicked on the file:
- However, BK6 is designed to open the most recent database which
- is located in the folder:
- To open a different database, pick File, Open Database
- You can not backup from and to the same folder.
- Please pick a different drive or folder to backup to.
- Show the option on reports to use the symbols * and å for born and died
- instead of letters like b. d.
- Change Source
- You have made changes to this source. Do you want these changes to
- apply only to this one person, or to others that had the same source?
- Click here to only change this source for ONE person
- Click here to change this source for EVERYONE that had this source
- Include picture file names in the search
- Include media file names in the search
- Check this box if the program you are moving to requires that every
- source has a Title field and then BK will create a Title field for
- sources that do not already have one
- Close Options
- Limit events to show on Edit
- Select which Events to have available on Edit (deselect only
- those you will never use)
- Select all
- Deselect all
- Note: You have only selected:
- items for the drop down event list.
- Global change of Other event to alternate Name
- This routine will change an Other from the Event tab (like Occupation,
- Education, Description) to an extra name on the Names tab.
- Move this to the extra name?
- If you have an 'Event Note' or Source attached to this other event, the note
- or source will not be transferred.
- Word processor not found. Pick File, Options, RTF from main BK screen and
- enter the path and NAME of word processor
- (such as WINWORD.EXE or WPWIN.EXE).
- Stop Brother's Keeper
- (This option can be changed on File, Options, RTF/Other)
- What is a Backup?
- A Backup is a copy of your data files that you can use if your data
- is ever damaged. If your data is damaged, you can then do a File, Restore
- and put your data back the way it was on the day you made the backup copy.
- The backup is an exact copy of your data that only the BK program can read.
- It is important that you have a current backup copy of your data files
- so that you never have to re-type information into the program. It is good
- to have two or more backup copies of your data that were made on different
- days. The backup can be on a CD or USB memory stick or in a different folder.
- A backup is NOT a file that you can view or
- send to someone else to view without
- using Brother's Keeper.
- (If you want to send a
- report to a file so that
- you may view it or email it
- to someone, then go to that
- report and pick
- File, Create TXT file or RTF file.)
- The Preview can only show 1000 pages, but if you close Preview and
- click Print it will print all pages.
- Error loading Edit screen. See F.A.Q. on BK web site for help.
- NOTICE: This routine will make a large number of files so pick a
- folder where you want the files created. It will overwrite any html file
- with the same file name in the folder you select. Therefore, do NOT
- pick your normal BK data directory, but instead pick a special folder
- such as C:\HTML for example.
- Make the fewest number of HTML pages
- Give each ancestor a separate HTML page as the starting person
- (This option will make 15 times the number of HTML
- pages as the top option)
- (Only use this option if you will be linking group sheets
- back to the ancestor charts)
- Blue boxes
- Yellow boxes
- Click name on ancestor chart to jump to group sheet HTML
- Do not link names from ancestor chart to group sheet HTML
- Words for bottom of each page
- Link for words on bottom of page
- Create 4 generation linked HTML files
- generations
- Ancestor chart of:
- Ancestors
- Reminder: You have set the option to link these pages to
- the Group Sheet pages. So after you have created the
- ancestor HTML files, you will need to go to
- Other, Group sheets and make HTML files for
- the same people.
- There is no father attached. To add a father, click Add, Parents.
- There is no mother attached. To add a mother, click Add, Parents.
- To add the father, first click the Mother button, then click Add Spouse.
- To add the mother, first click the Father button, then click Add Spouse.
- Media file source for person number
- Media file source for family of person number
- You do not have any sources entered yet.
- If you were printing, check the printer Font Name and
- Font Size and margins.
- Timeline (Individual)
- Timeline (Individual)
- Number of years per page:
- Use less years per page (increase space between years)
- if it will not increase the number of pages
- Note: You should Preview the report first and then if
- there is any overlap of events, then either pick a
- smaller printer font size, or else print fewer
- years per page.
- This report will show the birth, marriage, and death
- events for parents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters,
- and children.
- It will also show the death date for grandparents.
- Other options are below.
- Include locations of events
- Also show years when there were no events
- Include grandchildren
- Include great grand children
- Include married names for women
- Include grandparent's birth dates and marriage date
- Timeline for:
- Note: You should Preview the report first and then
- if there is any overlap of events, then either pick a
- smaller printer font size, or else
- print fewer years per page.
- Start with year:
- End with year:
- to
- from
- son
- daughter
- child
- mother
- father
- parent
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grandparent
- grandson
- granddaughter
- grandchild
- great grandson
- great granddaughter
- great grandchild
- great great grandson
- great great granddaughter
- great great grandchild
- aunt
- uncle
- uncle/aunt
- brother
- sister
- sibling
- sister-in-law
- brother-in-law
- brother/sister-in-law
- husband
- wife
- partner
- Individual Timeline for:
- * See additional events at end of report
- * Additional events that did not fit with the year:
- To choose a different drive, click the 'Pick a different drive' button.
- This routine will make a backup copy of the data files that
- are located in:
- Make a backup copy of your data to which drive?
- Pick a drive letter
- Optional: If the drive has folder names you can pick a folder
- If you have Windows Vista, you should not press F6 but instead
- click 'Pick a Different Drive', and pick your CD-R drive letter.
- To create a new backup folder, type the folder name below.
- Arabic
- If you want to show marriage events, then run the
- Group sheet report not the Individual report.
- Note: If you do NOT see the pictures, pick View, Print Layout.
- If you still do not see the pictures, then
- pick Tools, Options, and then
- UNcheck 'picture placeholders' and check 'Drawings'
- Can not print this chart to your type of printer.
- Try ALT+PrintScreen and paste into a Paint program.
- Enter the name and press TAB before pressing other keys.
- If you have previously done a preview or print of a timeline
- and if you have then made changes to the BKtime4.txt file,
- then this routine will Print the changed file.
- then this routine will Preview the changed file.
- Note: you are about to create a new timeline and it will
- overwrite any changes you have made to the BKtime4.txt file.
- Click OK to continue.
- Edit
- Print
- Preview
- Note: If you see wrapping on the screen in Notepad,
- then pick from the top menu: Format, and uncheck Wrap.
- If you insert new events, put them in the correct
- place based on year.
- Source Citation file attachment:
- Master Source file attachment:
- Master Source is called:
- Picture/file attached to master source is missing
- Picture/file attached to source citation is missing.
- Citation is a general source attached to person number:
- Citation is a general source attached to marriage number:
- Citation source is attached to an event
- Citation source is attached to an event for person number:
- Citation source is attached to an event for family number:
- Citation source is attached to other event (like Occupation, etc.)
- Citation source is attached to a textfile on Note tab.
- Citation source is attached to a picture on Picture tab.
- Citation source is attached to a name on Names tab.
- Citation source is attached to a child on Children tab.
- Citation source is attached to a witness.
- Citation source is attached to a media file on Media tab.
- Picture attached to a source
- Press ESC to cancel the search
- Web
- Email
- Help
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- Example: What number for the 8th child in
- generation 4, of the 5th child in generation 3, of
- the 12th child in generation 2
- If you want a heading printed for this report, type it below.
- Include Latitude and Longitude
- Please make a Backup copy of your database before running this routine.
- At one time this person had parents attached,
- but now the parent's marriage record is blank.
- The secondary parents for this person are blank.
- Output all sources to a CSV file
- That drive or folder not found.
- Do you want to create a new text or picture folder called
- Do you want to create a new folder called
- Could not create folder.
- When adding a spouse, insert these events for the couple as defaults
- Show only the year for dates
- Fix picture path
- This routine is useful if you have moved your database to a
- new computer and the picture files are in a different folder on
- the new computer.
- Double click on a line above where the picture files are located.
- First this routine will find the old (wrong) picture path.
- Now it will find where the pictures are currently located.
- Pick the drive letter where the pictures are located on this computer.
- Then click Search.
- Global Event Sort
- Global Change of Event Order
- Note: This is a new routine and may not work the way you want.
- Please make a backup of your data first and also check your database
- after this routine is finished.
- Please notify John Steed if you find any errors.
- This routine will read each person and if the Events are not already
- in the order specified below, then it will change the order of events.
- Sort Individual events primarily by dates, or if no dates, then by
- type of event (born before died)
- Sort Individual events primarily by type of event - such as born before
- died (only compare dates if two events are
- the same type)
- Sort Individual events by date only (ignore type of event)
- You did not pick one of the options.
- You have previously put the list of events in a certain order and saved
- that order. Do you want to load the order of events that you used
- last time? If you answer no, it will load the default order
- instead of your saved order.
- Use Drag and Drop to Change Event Order
- To change the default order of events, use the mouse and click on
- one event and then while holding the mouse down, drag that event to
- the correct new position and drop the event on top of another
- event. The other events will move up or down to
- make room.
- You have over 68 events on your approved list.
- You could go to File, Utilities, Limit Events and uncheck some
- events that you never use.
- You picked Cancel. If you want to start again click Start.
- You did not Save the event screen.
- If you want to start again, click Start.
- It will ignore people listed in the file:
- The option to use ignorebk.txt is only for registered users.
- Citation source was attached to an event,
- but the event has been deleted.
- Do you want to delete this bad link now?
- Do you want to continue with the next file?
- Comma separated value files
- Create CSV File
- Search for Picture Files
- Double click on a folder above where the
- picture files are located.
- Did not find at least 3 pictures with wrong path.
- Show words: Born Died
- Show abbreviation: b. d.
- Show symbols: * å
- OK, will change from:
- to:
- Restore cancelled
- When printing a range of numbers, only print people that have a date of
- last change greater than or equal to this date:
- click to set date
- changed date
- Type in a date using only numbers.
- Type using MMDDYYYY format.
- Type using YYYYMMDD format.
- Type using DDMMYYYY format.
- You need to set the 'last changed' date at the bottom of page setup.
- Please type exactly 8 characters for the date.
- An internal textfile (Note) that is pointed to by person number:
- Is also pointed to by person number:
- An internal textfile (Note) that is pointed to by Family number:
- Is also pointed to by Individual number:
- A Family internal textfile (Note) that is pointed to by husband:
- and wife:
- Is also pointed to by husband number:
- and wife:
- Go to the Edit screen for those people, and use Copy and Paste to
- copy all their notes to a safe place - like Wordpad, then
- delete the textfile from the wrong couple.
- Only for siblings or 6th generation
- Only if printing children Names / birth / death only
- Will show multiple ways to get the same relationship
- Problem: Person number:
- has an invalid event
- Go to Edit for that person and fix that event.
- You must have your display set to at least 800 by 600 to
- run this routine.
- You must have your display set to at least 1024 by 768 to
- run this routine.
- The direct lineage person must be a descendant of the starting person.
- It can not be the same person.
- No tabs bold
- Selected tab not bold, other tabs bold
- Only the selected tab is bold (This will only work if English and
- 1024 by 768 or larger)
- All tabs bold (This will only work if English and
- 1024 by 768 or larger)
- For other options, close the Edit screen and from the
- main screen pick File, Options, Edit Screen.
- Show if divorced or if marriage was annulled
- div.
- annl
- sep.
- Delete unused source
- Do you want to delete this unused source?
- Yes, delete this source
- No, do not delete this source
- Yes, delete this source and delete all unused
- sources without showing them
- Stop now
- The primary parents are blank. To switch to the secondary parents,
- pick Edit, Rearrange Parents.
- Note: This person has the event called:
- However, that event is not on your list of events to show on the
- drop down list, so it will be temporarily added to the list.
- To fix the problem, close Edit and pick File, Utilities,
- Limit Events to show on Edit, and add this event.
- Note: On Options at the bottom this screen, you have it set to
- add the following event to all new people:
- However, that event is not on your list of events to show on the
- drop down list, so it will be temporarily added to the list.
- To fix the problem, either click the Options button at the
- bottom right of this screen, and remove that event,
- or else close Edit and pick File, Utilities,
- Limit Events to show on Edit, and add this event.
- Notice: The option to print event:
- will currently only work when printing, not when saving to a file.
- Also show this event:
- Notice: There might not be room to print both Divorce and event:
- Color
- Click here to set a print color for this event.
- Search for Media Files
- Fix media path
- This routine is useful if you have moved your database to a
- new computer and the media files are in a different folder on
- the new computer.
- Double click on a line above where the media files are located.
- First this routine will find the old (wrong) media path.
- Now it will find where the media files are currently located.
- Pick the drive letter where the media files are located on this computer.
- Then click Search.
- Did not find at least 3 media files with wrong path.
- Option to always show
- This option is on if the file SHOWSOUR.OK exists in the data folder.
- Include notes attached to locations
- Select picture file or other file
- Click here to search for a new person
- You can pick one group number and it will print the BK code number for
- everyone in that group number. Type the group number below.
- Everyone in the gedcom file will be added as a NEW additional person.
- This import routine does NOT check for duplicate people.
- You asked to print flagged people in color, but you did not pick which
- flag number to print.
- Colors
- Print everything in black
- Print male and female with these colors
- Only print male/female colors for the descendants and not the spouses
- Color for male
- Color for female
- Print these colors for people that have been flagged
- (Click a color box with the mouse if you want to change that color)
- Print boxes with this background color:
- Click here to set a print color.
- Flag
- Do you want to delete flag number
- from this person?
- Attach a Flag
- Which flags do you want to attach to this person?
- To add or delete a flag for a group of people, go to File, Utilities,
- Flag a group of people. To delete a flag from one person,
- go to the Edit screen and right click the flag button.
- Click here to select more people
- These lines will print at the bottom of each group sheet so
- you can include your name and address or email information for
- others to see.
- Show the option on reports to use symbols like * and å for born and died,
- instead of letters like b. d.
- If you delete this field and save options, it will change to å
- If you put the & character here, it will print the infinity symbol
- For more reports pick Descendant, Ancestor, Lists, or Other from the top menu
- Show symbols:
- Flags
- Find people that have the following flag set
- If you want to set a flag for a person,
- go to the main BK screen and pick File,
- Utilities, Flag a group of people.
- Add the previous source and
- pi&ctures/files to this event
- Add the previous source and
- pic&tures/files and page to this event
- If you have Windows Vista or Windows 7 then you should
- NOT have your DATA files located anywhere below
- the C:\Program Files folder
- For more information, www.bkwin.com and click on F.A.Q.
- Restore a copy of your data from which drive?
- Pick a drive letter
- Optional: If the drive has folder names you
- can pick a folder
- If you are not sure where the backup data is located, you
- can click the button below
- Search for data
- Text file folder does not exist on this computer.
- Do you want to create the folder:
- or do you want to create a different folder for
- the text files on this computer.
- Create folder
- Create different folder
- Picture file folder does not exist on this computer.
- Do you want to create the folder:
- or do you want to create a different folder for
- the picture files on this computer.
- Media file folder does not exist on this computer.
- Do you want to create the folder:
- or do you want to create a different folder for
- the media files on this computer.
- Problem searching for database path name.
- Contact John Steed for an alternate way to
- search for your database.
- Word 2002
- Word 2007
- The pictures are linked to this file, but the actual pictures
- are not part of this document yet. To load the pictures
- click the Microsoft Office button at the top left,
- point to Prepare, and then click 'Edit Links to Files'.
- Select all the picture file names with the mouse,
- then click 'Save picture in document', then
- click 'Update now' then again select all the picture lines
- with the mouse, then click
- 'Break link', then click OK."
- Word 2007 will not automatically resize all the
- pictures to 1 inch the way Word 2002 did.
- So click a picture, and then on the top menu click Format
- and then on the right of the ribbon, in the area that is called
- Size, type a 1 in the Height field and press the Enter key.
- That will set the size of that picture to 1 inch tall.
- Note that sometimes the footnotes or endnotes will
- show i ii iii instead of 1 2 3.
- To fix that problem, in Word 2007 click on References,
- and then click the button to the right of the
- word Footnotes to display the full
- 'Footnotes and Endnotes' dialog box.
- On that box set the 'Number Format' to 1, 2, 3
- and then click Apply.
- Color
- UTF-8
- Gedcom import finished
- There were some lines in the gedcom file that did not
- completely import into the BK database. Those lines are
- listed in a text file called GED.LST That file is in the
- same folder as your BK data. If you want, you can view
- the GED.LST file now, or else you can click continue.
- Open the GED.LST file to view it now
- Continue
- Use Inches for margins on reports
- Use Centimeters for margins on reports
- If you are changing between inches and centimeters,
- then you will need to update any margins you have previously
- saved for reports before you print those reports again.
- Also check the picture size for book reports.
- Find Infinite Loop
- Find if there is an Infinite Loop in the Database
- Found person number:
- as a descendant of himself/herself. Down
- generations.
- Searching descendants of person number:
- If you think you have an infinite loop in your database,
- then run this routine to find the problem.
- If it finds the problem, you can do a Descendant Tree chart
- starting with that person, and turn on the option to show
- duplicates and show BK code numbers.
- That should help you see where the loop starts.
- First type the Width of the paper in Centimeters
- Now type the Height of the paper in Centimeters
- Picture size in centimeters
- centimeters
- cm
- Do you want to change top and left margins to 2.5 cm and 4.3 cm?
- This program is currently set up with
- dates in this format:
- and units are set to:
- inches
- centimeters
- You can change those options by clicking File, Options
- Brother's Keeper can not find your default printer.
- You will not be able to Preview reports until you Add a
- printer driver. You can assign one at Start, Control Panel,
- Printers. If you already have a printer assigned there and
- you are using Vista 64 bit, then go to the BK web site and
- click on F.A.Q. for more information.
- Person number
- has a marriage number:
- but does not have a marriage number:
- (Click to pick a different name)
- Baptismal name
- All Relatives
- All Relatives of a Person
- Print
- Preview
- Close
- &File
- Printer set&up
- &Print
- Preview
- - Edit BKRelate.txt
- - Print BKRelate.txt
- - Preview BKRelate.txt
- &Close
- Page Setup
- People to include
- Fields to Include
- This routine may take a few minutes, so start with 6 generations or less
- as a test (if you have over 2000 people in your database.) If you do
- a Preview first and you like the results, you can click File,
- Print BKRelate.txt to print the same report without having to reload it
- Use alternate name, such as Current Name or AKA, if there is one
- Include all relatives of the starting person, and the names of their spouses,
- and the relatives of their spouses
- Include all relatives of the starting person, and the names of their spouses
- Include all relatives of the starting person, but NOT their spouses
- Sa&ve options
- Cancel
- Print last name first
- Print names in bold
- Include married names for women
- Include BK code number
- Make relationship into a sentence
- Include divorced spouses of uncles, aunts, and cousins
- Include people that have died
- Number of generations in both directions
- Individual Name
- &Heading:
- Relatives of:
- of
- of
- is the starting person
- starting person
- is the
- is the
- partner of the
- partner of the
- partner of the
- partner of the
- common law wife of the
- common law husband of the
- by marriage
- by marriage
- wife of the
- husband of the
- first
- second
- third
- fourth
- fifth
- sixth
- seventh
- eighth
- partner
- partner
- partner
- partner
- common law wife
- common law husband
- husband
- wife
- is the
- the
- is the
- the
- is the
- is the
- is a
- is a
- of the partner of
- of the partner of
- of a partner of
- of a partner of
- of the partner of
- of the partner of
- of a partner of
- of a partner of
- of the first wife of
- of the first husband of
- of the second wife of
- of the second husband of
- of the third wife of
- of the third husband of
- of the fourth wife of
- of the fourth husband of
- of the fifth wife of
- of the fifth husband of
- of a husband of
- of a wife of
- of the wife of
- of the husband of
- Please wait
- If you have previously done a preview or print of a relationship report
- and if you have only changed the font size or the margins,
- or if you have edited the BKrelate.txt file,
- then this routine will Preview the saved file.
- If you have previously done a preview or print of a relationship report
- and if you have only changed the font size or the margins,
- or if you have edited the BKrelate.txt file,
- then this routine will Print the saved file.
- ---